In general, a five-year plan may be regarded as one of the best strategies to create a framework for actions in order to achieve some life objectives. Individuals are usually motivated by goals, therefore, having them is a crucial aspect of living a purposeful life. The person’s aims act as a constant reminder of the need to realize them (Gardner, Kosemund, Hogg, Heymann, & Martinez, 2017). Moreover, the set goals should be realistic and practicable within the planned period, as well.
Planning is an essential part of any project to succeed. For a student, undertaking a project management course is necessary for his or her studies and career. In turn, for a project manager, proper preparation is a highly important task for efficient performance while other managerial functions only help to achieve an enterprise’s objectives. As a matter of fact, life strategies are attained through the gradual achievement of smaller goals: academic, family, financial, health and fitness, and business ones.
The goal-setting process may be challenging if people do not know exactly what they want to do with their life. Therefore, before starting the planning process, an individual should know what he or she wants to achieve and describe wishes in detail to formulate goals. Having goals helps a person concentrate on their achievement without undertaking substantial efforts for multiple plans that may be unrealizable (Gardner et al., 2017). In general, aims to assist people in managing time and resources appropriately.
Having a broad picture of the long-term intentions is the first step to personal goals set. The initial development of small targets helps to achieve the ultimate objectives (Zefeiti & Mohamad, 2017). Through discipline, hard work, and commitment, aims are reachable as long as they are realistic. Concerning my personal development, I may characterize myself as a highly ambitious person who wants to achieve success in all spheres of life. I want to build a rewarding career and regard a healthy working environment and interpersonal relationships as a highly significant part of it. I constantly educate myself, value family and friendship, and try to help people.
The table below presents the summary of the five-year business (the achievements of every year are evaluated in December) and personal development plan:
Table 1. The goals to be achieved in the next five years
In general, planning involves the identification of goals and the development of a specific course of action to achieve them. Through the elaboration of my personal plan, I learned that all goals should be accomplished within a specified timeframe in order to make plans effective. In addition, the long-term goals may be achieved exclusively by attaining smaller objectives. I will check and review my plan periodically to provide and control the projects’ progress.
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