A Healthcare Manager Interview Summary

The interview was taken with a senior manager of Walmart Specialty, Kathryn Harris. Walmart Specialty Pharmacy is a unique service offered by Walmart that provides healthcare solutions to patients with complex medical conditions. This position is directly related to leadership in the healthcare system, as it implies that a person must lead the ethical procedures that must be implemented in the company.

Care and Medication Management

They provide personalized care and medication management to those who have special needs and unique health conditions. Walmart Specialty Pharmacy works with various healthcare providers to ensure that each patient receives the best medical care possible. They offer free delivery, convenient refill reminders, and 24/7 access to pharmacists. Walmart Specialty Pharmacy’s senior manager manages and leads the pharmacy team in delivering a superior patient care experience. The manager ensures the team is trained and knowledgeable of the latest pharmacy procedures and regulations. This includes training staff in pharmacy systems, managing the pharmacy’s workflow, monitoring inventory and prescription accuracy, verifying insurance coverage, and developing policies and procedures. The senior manager is also responsible for communicating with patients, physicians, and other healthcare professionals to ensure the best possible healthcare outcomes.

Customer and Employee Relationship Management

Additionally, the senior healthcare manager works with the pharmacy team to create and maintain positive relationships with customers and vendors, manage the budget, develop goals and objectives, and ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. This is in line with networking in the field of healthcare; as such, a person must ensure the right relationship between the team and clients, helping them to improve their health. The interview responses regarding ethical decision-making showed that the manager must solve ethical dilemmas and manage any issues related to employees and their work. Senior managers must take an ethical approach to decision-making. This means considering the potential effects of a decision on all stakeholders and making decisions that align with the organization’s values.


Senior managers should consider the long-term impact of their decisions on the organization when making decisions. They should also consider how their decisions may affect the employees, customers, and other stakeholders. Senior managers should strive to be transparent in their decision-making process, ensuring that stakeholders are kept informed of the process and outcomes. Moreover, senior managers should consider their values when making decisions. This means considering their moral principles and beliefs, as well as the organization’s cultural values. They should be aware of any potential conflicts of interest and take steps to avoid them. Kathryn Harris shared her experience firing an employee who stole some things from the pharmacy. She said that senior managers should take responsibility for their decisions. They should be willing to accept the consequences of their decisions and want to learn from their mistakes. This will help to ensure that the organization’s values and ethical principles are adhered to in the future.

Applying Knowledge Gained from the Interview

From the interview, I understood that an ethical healthcare manager is a professional tasked with ensuring that their organization adheres to the highest standards of ethical behavior and best practices in the healthcare industry. This means that their performance in this position should have looked to the greater satisfaction of the clients and the correct selection of medicines. Such a person is obliged to know the policy of the organization, its ethical code, and the procedures that regulate the healthcare industry, as well as the ethical aspects of patient care (Čartolovni et al., 2021). The ethical health care manager must continually assess the ethical implications of their organization’s decisions and actions and take corrective measures when needed. This individual must also ensure that the organization complies with applicable laws, regulations, and standards and that its practices adhere to recognized ethical standards. The interview responses also showed that an ethical healthcare manager must advocate for the organization’s patients, employees, and other stakeholders. This individual should ensure that the organization provides the highest quality of care for its patients and that employees receive fair and equitable treatment. Additionally, the interview demonstrated that the manager strives to create a culture of ethical conduct throughout the organization. In the future, I also need to be a leader and role model for ethical behavior. I should be committed to ethical standards and a will to challenge unethical behavior, even in the face of potential conflict.


Čartolovni, A., Stolt, M., Scott, P. A., & Suhonen, R. (2021). Moral injury in healthcare professionals: A scoping review and discussion. Nursing Ethics, 28(5), 590-602. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "A Healthcare Manager Interview Summary." May 25, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/a-healthcare-manager-interview-summary/.


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