A Receptionist Job Vacancy at Fairfax Medical Facilities

As an example of a vacancy, I found a job as a Receptionist at Fairfax Medical Facilities, IN. The company works in the field of medicine and is looking for a person who will work directly with patients visiting the organization. Human resources employees clearly describe what the company does and what duties the employee will perform in the job description. For example, the company writes: “As part of Fairfax Medical Facilities, Inc. (FMFI) care team, the receptionist maintains first contact with all patients entering and exiting the organization” (Indeed.com). In addition, the report of the necessary qualifications presents a small number of requirements for the candidate.

The recruitment managers provided an extensive list of the duties of the future employee. All job responsibilities are described clearly, and the requirements put forward by the company are also precise. Even though the requirements and qualifications are clearly defined, the company does not describe a specific work schedule, except for the general designation that it is looking for a full-time employee. Furthermore, the salary and the possibility of career growth are not indicated. In this regard, I am not sure that I am ready to apply for this vacancy. Probably, recruitment managers are prepared to consider each candidate separately and offer wages and work schedules based on the interview results.

When selecting a job for some employees, it is essential how the work schedule will be built, what salary is offered by the company and whether career growth should be expected. There is no such description in this vacancy, which does not make the report complete and exemplary. Because there is no full description of some details in the emptiness, it cannot be stated that the company follows federal employment guidelines. Because the company does not provide complete data, many worthy employees may not pay attention to the vacancy or consider that the company is hiding information.


Indeed. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, October 23). A Receptionist Job Vacancy at Fairfax Medical Facilities. https://studycorgi.com/a-receptionist-job-vacancy-at-fairfax-medical-facilities/

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StudyCorgi. (2022) 'A Receptionist Job Vacancy at Fairfax Medical Facilities'. 23 October.

1. StudyCorgi. "A Receptionist Job Vacancy at Fairfax Medical Facilities." October 23, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/a-receptionist-job-vacancy-at-fairfax-medical-facilities/.


StudyCorgi. "A Receptionist Job Vacancy at Fairfax Medical Facilities." October 23, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/a-receptionist-job-vacancy-at-fairfax-medical-facilities/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "A Receptionist Job Vacancy at Fairfax Medical Facilities." October 23, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/a-receptionist-job-vacancy-at-fairfax-medical-facilities/.

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