Abdellah’s Theory for Patient-Centered Care

Basic components

Implementing a patient-centered approach has become a critical requirement in the clinical care environment due to the necessity to address patient-specific needs and create a positive environment in which recovery can occur at a faster rate. Therefore, the introduction of a theoretical framework that could assist in performing the described type of healthcare procedures is needed.

The tenets of Faye Glenn Abdellah’s theory created to advance a patient-specific approach in nursing deserve to be explored in-depth as the basis for advancing patient-oriented care. Due to the focus on the multitude of individual factors that affect the well-being of a patient, the theoretical approach suggested by Faye Glenn Abdellah should be considered a foundation of patient-centered care and utilized to promote patient-oriented nursing in clinical settings.

The core concepts of the theory prosed by Faye Glenn Abdellah are represented by the idea of the focus-of-care pendulum, which covers the range of approaches from nursing-centered to patient-centered to disease-centered ones (Aligood, 2017). Implying that the focus on the needs of a vulnerable group should be the main prerogative of a nurse, Abdellah’s theoretical framework implies that the patient-centered approach should be the priority for a nurse (Renpenning, Taylor, & Pickens, 2016).

Thus, the foundations of the theory are fairly simple, yet they serve their purpose of providing a nurse with options that will allow designing the best approach toward meeting patients’ needs in the clinical setting. In Abdellah’s framework, 21 problems are traditionally outlined as the aspects to which a nurse has to tend in order to achieve the desired outcome (Aligood, 2017). Being centered on a patient, these problems touch upon a variety of aspects of a patient’s life, including their emotional experiences, their levels of satisfaction, physical comfort, the efficacy of nurse-patient communication, and other issues (Renpenning et al., 2016). By approaching a clinical case from the standpoint of the 21 problems outlined by Abdellah, one will be able to address clinical issues with the minimum risks to a patient’s well-being.

“Faye Abdellah Model to banishing social stigma of head lice among school students” by Allam, N. A., Al Megrin, A. A., & Alkeridis, A. L.

Article’s details

The framework suggested by Abdellah has been applied to the content of the clinical practice for a while since it helps to establish a rapport between a patient and a nurse, at the same time reducing the threats of medical errors due to the close focus on patient-specific information (Aligood, 2017). A paper by Allam, Megrin, and Alkeridis (2016) reviews the idea of applying Abdellah’s framework to the management of a stigma problem in patients with head lice. The goal of Allam et al.’s (2016) research is to study the effects that Faye’s model produces when approaching a clinical issue from a social perspective. Namely, the model as the basis for addressing the stigmatization of patients with lice and the tool for encouraging collaboration between patients and community members is analyzed.

The methodology of the study by Allam et al. (2016) is quite substantial. To evaluate the efficacy of the model, the authors use the experimental and comparative design as a part of their qualitative analysis. The inclusion criteria for the study are gender- and age-based (girls aged 6-12 were selected to participate in the research). The sample size used in the study amounts to a total of 100 students from each school (Allam et al., 2016). Overall, the methodology seems substantial for the goals established in the study.

Based on the outcomes of the analysis, the authors insist that the problem of head lice should be addressed on community and family levels, which means that the stigma associated with head lice is the primary stumbling block that prevents the issue from being resolved. The authors argue that, by destigmatizing the issue, one will be able to create the community support needed for the children with head lice to recover. In addition, the focus on an inclusive approach toward managing the needs of children with head lice will affect the extent of patient education and awareness, allowing the target demographic to learn more about the prevention of head lice and the management of the problem (Allam et al., 2016).

Article critique

The paper by Allam et al. (2016) can be used by a family nurse as an introduction to a patient-centered approach and the effective use of Faye’s model of nursing. For instance, the analysis of the effects that community support has on the opportunity for recovery in the target population can be utilized to address other clinical concerns. The research is focused on the analysis of a very specific case, namely, the problem of lice in children. However, the outcomes that it provides are not restricted to the specified concern; apart from its case-specific results, the article also proves that Faye’s theory can be used to address clinical issues, in general, with the help of a detailed analysis of every possible relevant factor, including societal ones, which is essential for a family nurse when embracing the influences that may impact the well-being of a family.

“Knowledge practice and outcome of quality nursing care among nurses in university of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH)” by Oyira, E. J., & Ella, R. E.

Article’s details

The prospects of nurse education and opportunities for knowledge acquisition in nurses deserve close scrutiny as some of the most critical issues in contemporary care. The article by Oyira and Ella (2016) considers the opportunity of integrating the proposed theoretical framework as the tool for building a system for improving nurses’ competence levels and advancing healthcare services. The research is aimed at defining the factors that contribute to implementing knowledge practice and improving nursing care at the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH) (Oyira & Ella, 2016). The hypothesis of the paper suggests that the approach based on continuous knowledge acquisition in nurses will have a positive effect on the efficacy of care.

The methodology of the research is based on the quantitative design, with questionnaires being used as the main tool for collecting data. The results of the study point to the necessity to use Faye’s Nursing Model as the means of encouraging nurse education and the improvement of nursing services. To be more accurate, the choice of an appropriate nursing model depends not only on external factors but also on the results of communication with a patient.

Article critique

The paper by Oyira and Ella (2016) introduces an interesting perspective on the idea of collaboration between nurses by striving to prove the need to incorporate nurse-patient communication into the process. In other words, the interdisciplinary collaboration model suggested by the authors is based on the concept of knowledge-sharing and active communication with patients. The described principle is important for enhancing the performance of a clinical nurse since it helps to keep the information constantly updated. Due to the need to keep the focus on several patients in the family context, the incorporation of a knowledge-sharing model as the basis for Faye’s Nursing Model implementation is an important step in managing patients’ health concerns.


Allam, N. A., Al Megrin, A. A., & Alkeridis, A. L. (2016). Faye Abdellah Model to banishing social stigma of head lice among school students. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 5(1), 1-11. Web.

Aligood, M. R. (2017). Nursing theorists and their work (9th ed.). New York, NY: Elsevier Health Sciences.

Oyira, E. J., & Ella, R. E. (2016). Knowledge practice and outcome of quality nursing care among nurses in university of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH). Journal of Education and Training Studies, 4(11), 179-193. Web.

Renpenning, K., Taylor, S. C., & Pickens, J. M. (2016). Foundations of professional nursing: Care of self and others. New York, NY: Springer.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, July 13). Abdellah’s Theory for Patient-Centered Care. https://studycorgi.com/abdellahs-theory-for-patient-centered-care/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Abdellah’s Theory for Patient-Centered Care'. 13 July.

1. StudyCorgi. "Abdellah’s Theory for Patient-Centered Care." July 13, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/abdellahs-theory-for-patient-centered-care/.


StudyCorgi. "Abdellah’s Theory for Patient-Centered Care." July 13, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/abdellahs-theory-for-patient-centered-care/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Abdellah’s Theory for Patient-Centered Care." July 13, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/abdellahs-theory-for-patient-centered-care/.

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