Influences on NPs’ Performance During Their Work with Victims of Domestic Violence

It is apparent that the problem of abusive relationships, interfering with the issue of domestic violence, is a widespread problem, which is of high concerns in the contemporary public health.

It is also apparent that the people who survived abusive relationships are in need for special treatment; however, little is known about the influence of abusive experiences on nursing practitioner’s (NP) performance during their work with the victims of domestic violence. This paper aims to discuss positive and negative tendencies that could emerge in the mentioned circumstances.

First of all, it is essential to notice that the problem under discussion is highly applicable to both men and women; however, women constitute the larger part of abusive relationships’ victims (McGarry, 2017).

It is also apparent that nurse practitioners who work with these people have to be specifically trained to meet the victims’ needs (McGarry, 2017). Nevertheless, despite being trained and prepared to work in such circumstances, the NP’s personal experiences of abuse and domestic violence can have a direct influence on the quality of caregiving, both positive and adverse.

One of the primary reasons why the nurse’s experience can have an adverse impact on his or her performance is that working with the victims of domestic violence can serve as a trigger for the NP’s emotional and psychological trauma (McGarry, 2017). The NP would tend to transmit the patients’ negative emotions and conditions on the personal level. Thus, the quality of caregiving would be decreased.

However, it should be mentioned that the positive outcomes are also possible. It is apparent that if the NP is strong enough, he or she can transform his or her negative experience into the supporting guidelines for the victims of domestic violence, helping them to survive the trauma. In conclusion, it should be noted that experiences of abuse could serve both as negative and positive factors of caregiving for the victims of domestic violence.


McGarry, J. (2017). Domestic violence and abuse: An exploration and evaluation of a domestic abuse nurse specialist role in acute health care services. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(15-16), 2266-2273.

Wuest, J., & Merritt-Gray, M. (2016). Beyond survival: Reclaiming self after leaving an abusive male partner. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research Archive, 32(4), 79-94.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, January 13). Influences on NPs’ Performance During Their Work with Victims of Domestic Violence.

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