Plagiarism example mentioned in the Chamberlain Academic Integrity Tutorial
Chamberlain Academic Integrity Tutorial mentions several different examples of plagiarism. This is done in order to familiarize students with the potential ways to make a mistake and lose points for assignments. According to the Integrity Tutorial, all the information found in the works of other authors when used in written assignments has to be accompanied by credits to those authors. In other words, it is considered plagiarism when a student takes information from textbooks or websites, paraphrases it, and never adds any information about the resources from which it was taken. This approach to written assignments is regarded as the breach of academic integrity.
The way students can avoid plagiarism that was mentioned in the Chamberlain Academic Integrity Tutorial
Sharing passwords means providing other people with access to personal accounts and all the written papers stored there. When this practice is in place, there is a risk that one person’s works can be stolen and plagiarized by others. Apart from this form of plagiarism, there are others where students can potentially copy and paste information from the works of other authors or use very similar words in an attempt to paraphrase. Taking notes while reading and making sure that they use their own words for notetaking is the best way for students to process information and to paraphrase it properly. Writing down the paraphrased sentences, it is important to remember to give credit to the original authors.