There are various questions about how puberty affects adolescents because not all people are impacted in the same way. The fundamental answer is associated with the environment of a certain adolescent, experiencing cognitive, biological, and social changes. The three mentioned changes and the very context shape an adolescent’s perception of the world. As stated by Urie Bronfenbrenner, the main proponent of the ecological approach regarding human development, context and factors surrounding it are the key elements that help people to understand the process of development. It should be stressed that context can be regarded as settings that occur in one or another case.
It is possible to compare two 14-year-old girls from neighboring communities, one of which, Diane, was restricted in her social life. At the same time, the other one, Maria, had discussions about sexual contacts, contraceptives, and pregnancy. If Diane was going to school with the fifth grade being the eighth grade, and Maria was learning with high school students. Even though the girls were contemporaries, they went through puberty differently due to the contextual factors and distinct adolescent development features. The fact that these girls grew in different families, studied in different schools, and had the dissimilar adolescent experience, they went through puberty to adulthood.