Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

The invention of the Internet has changed the lives of numerous people across the globe. With the benefits offered by the Internet, there are several drawbacks, and society continuously debates whether performing different activities online is good or bad. The Internet provides substantial advantages in terms of virtual education and more efficient communication, and such edges overcome potential drawbacks, like cyberbullying, due to increasing society’s productivity.

Online Education

The first benefit of the Internet is the advancement of the learning process. Online education is a convenient, flexible, and cost-effective way of obtaining knowledge (Dung, 2020). Attending classes via the Internet allows students to learn at their own pace when they have time and does not require spending resources on traveling to school or university. Virtual education also aids instructors and academic facilities (Yuhanna et al., 2020). With the help of the Internet, teachers have more time to balance their work and private life, while colleges and other institutions can reach more students. Therefore, the Internet makes learning more efficient for pupils and educators.


Another benefit of the Internet is allowing people to interact with each other better. Different online platforms provide individuals with an opportunity to communicate more efficiently (Sumter & Vandenbosch, 2019). On the Internet, those who are shy or introverted can express their thought more easily. Moreover, social media give friends and families a chance to enhance their relationships (Rosenfeld et al., 2019). Online networks allow people to communicate frequently without being constrained by time or place. Therefore, the Internet can advance existing and new interactions among individuals.


On the other hand, the Internet has a considerable disadvantage. In particular, using social media can have negative effects due to cyberbullying. The Internet has moved traditional school bullying to online platforms (Chun et al., 2020). Nowadays, teenagers often utilize the Internet to intimidate or oppress their peers anonymously. Furthermore, cyberbullying is considered to be a significant public health issue (Zhu et al., 2021). Being mistreated by their counterparts may adversely affect the mental health of young individuals. Accordingly, the Internet has a noteworthy drawback for the youthful generation.


To summarize, such benefits of the Internet as virtual education and enhanced communication, are likely to outweigh such disadvantages as cyberbullying. While online oppression is a significant problem, its impacts on teenagers can be managed by adults. Nonetheless, the Internet has improved society’s productivity by making it easier for shy people to communicate, for families to maintain their relationships, and for students to learn more efficiently.


Chun, J., Lee, J., Kim, J., & Lee, S. (2020). An international systematic review of cyberbullying measurements. Computers in Human Behavior, 113, 1-12. Web.

Dung, D. T. H. (2020). The advantages and disadvantages of virtual learning. Journal of Research & Method in Education, 10(3), 45-48.

Rosenfeld, M. J., Thomas, R. J., & Hausen, S. (2019). Disintermediating your friends: How online dating in the United States displaces other ways of meeting. National Academy of Sciences, 116(36), 17753-17758. Web.

Sumter, S. R., & Vandenbosch, L. (2019). Dating gone mobile: Demographic and personality-based correlates of using smartphone-based dating applications among emerging adults. New Media & Society, 21(3), 655-673.

Yuhanna, I., Alexander, A., & Kachik, A. (2020). Advantages and disadvantages of Online Learning. Journal Educational Verkenning, 1(2), 13-19. Web.

Zhu, C., Huang, S., Evans, R., & Zhang, W. (2021). Cyberbullying among adolescents and children: A comprehensive review of the global situation, risk factors, and preventive measures. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 1-12. Web.

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