Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet and Mailed Surveys

This study may not reflect the views of the general population. This is because the elderly, who are part of the entire population, do not have access to the Internet as unnecessary. It turns out that in this case, they will not receive e-mails sent by e-mail and also will not take part in the survey. In addition, there is an adult stratum of the population that has e-mail and Internet access, but they will not be able to answer the questionnaire questions. There are also cases when adults and young people ignore letters, even more so surveys received via the Internet. Often, young people can also take a questionnaire; the answers they choose will be unreliable, which reduces the effectiveness of the conducted research. In general, the probability that the study accurately reflects the population’s views is very low. The advantage of conducting surveys via the Internet compared to postal surveys is the low cost. That is, it is much cheaper than sending out paper letters. In addition, the advantage is that the probability of an answer via the Internet will be much higher than an answer via mail because, in the case of an Internet survey, people do not need to leave their homes and stand in long queues to answer the questionnaire questions (Liao and Hsieh, 2017). The disadvantages include the fact that some people can answer the questionnaire questions at random, which reduces the likelihood of getting reliable answers to the questions of the questionnaire. Another disadvantage is that people can delete or ignore an email received via the Internet. In general, it turns out that Internet surveys have their advantages and disadvantages, but in modern times companies are still inclined to choose Internet surveys rather than through regular mail.


Liao, P., and Hsieh, J. (2017). Does internet-based survey have more stable and unbiased results than paper-and-pencil survey? Open Journal of Social Sciences, 5(1), 69-86. Web.

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