Affirmative Action: Advantages and Disadvantages

The purpose of affirmative action is to equalize opportunities for people regarded as minorities or those who are denied positions based on their gender, race, religion, or any other form of discrimination. It provides particular preference to groups of people in areas like enrolment in education and employment to avail equal opportunities for all. It is applied because of the need to enhance equal opportunities for all, especially for women and minority groups who are powerless. Even though it has its drawbacks, affirmative action in education and employment enrolment should be maintained since it creates equal educational opportunities and diversity.

It is through affirmative action that universities, workplaces, and schools have embraced diversity. It creates opportunities to people from diverse backgrounds and gender a chance to pursue their dreams in institutions. Diversity has helped organizations become more innovative and competitive by embracing different ideas. It has helped reduce discrimination in society and increased participation by all in different activities (Koraila, 2021). For example, it can be used in the workplace to instute inclusion and diversity clauses which discourage discrimination.

Affirmative action promotes more study and work because it gives opportunities to all regardless of ethnic background, gender, or any other societal divide. It has bridged the gap between people from different social stations and brought about equality in education and employment. Universities can apply affirmative action by providing scholarships, grants, and other financial instruments to assist financially distressed students with their education. In this regard, more people can work and study to realize their dreams and pursue their careers.

The Brown v. Board of Education case of 1954 was a landmark judicial process that set the pace for many cases related to education-based affirmative action in the Supreme court. It held that public schools had no mandate to exclude minority students from white schools (Legal Information Institute). The case provided a good foundation for enhancing affirmative action in the education sector by abolishing racial discrimination in the education sector. It not only led to equality in educational opportunities but also enhanced diversity and bridged the gap between whites and minority groups.


Koirala, B. (2021). 13 Advantages and Disadvantages of Affirmative Action. HPC. Web.

Legal Information Institute. Affirmative action. Web.

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