American Lifestyle: The Impact on Health

Intensive movement forward to a high-quality rhythm of life is manifested in all spheres of American life. For example, high-speed movement in private cars on the streets and even within cities, the rapid development of the transport system, and the dynamic development of science and technology. Life in the USA is a high-speed race, and if people are on this track, they need to move either faster or step aside so that someone else can go this way of success. The fast pace of life of Americans provokes stress, which in turn causes a lot of diseases.

Stress is a tense state of the body that appears as a protective reaction to the effects of various adverse factors. Being in a state of stress daily, many people do not even realize that this is an abnormal phenomenon that needs to be eliminated. Stress lies in wait for a person everywhere: at home, at work, on public transport. When stressful situations are irregular, there is nothing to worry about. When a state of stress lasts for a long time and occurs often, it is called distress. Psycho-emotional stress is characterized by a violation of the work of internal organs and mental disorders. A person often begins to have a headache, and blood pressure rises. If the main symptoms occur, measures should be taken immediately and not aggravate the condition.

Depending on the duration of exposure, short-term and chronic stress are isolated. If in some cases, it is even possible to benefit from the first, since the amount of energy increases, concentration increases, then a person tolerates prolonged and regular exposure to stressful factors much worse. The negative impact of stress affects all aspects of human life: emotions, behavior, mental abilities, and physical health. Since people deal with stress differently, its symptoms and severity may vary. However, signs of stress in different people have a lot in common. Physical stress affects all body systems, including muscles, heart and blood vessels, respiratory, endocrine, gastrointestinal, nervous, and reproductive systems (Lenz & Kuhn, 2017). The human body is well prepared to cope with episodic stress, but it can have serious consequences for the body when it becomes prolonged or chronic.

Full rest and healthy sleep are the first rules of a stable psyche. A person who has had enough sleep is more resistant to stress. If there is not enough sleep, the stability of the nervous system decreases (Lenz & Kuhn, 2017). One may have seen an example of such a situation while observing naughty little children’s behavior when they are tired and want to sleep. A similar condition is observed in adults who regularly do not get enough sleep – it becomes difficult for them to control their emotions, they feel irritation and aggression. Chronic or persistent stress experienced over a long period of time can contribute to long-term heart and blood vessel problems (Lenz & Kuhn, 2017). Consequently, stress affects not only the psychological state of a person but also the circulatory system.

In conclusion, the basic principle of the American lifestyle is, of course, the pursuit of the American dream. That is why America remains a country of great opportunities. Chronic stress caused by exposure to stress factors over a long time can lead to prolonged body exhaustion. As a result of prolonged stress, neuroses, psychoses, alcoholism, cardiac disorders, arterial hypertension, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract develop. If a person does not manage to cope with a difficult situation quickly and has to stay in a state of emotional tension for a long time, then all body systems are forced to work with overload. To withstand prolonged stress, it is necessary to have health reserves.


Lenz, R., & Kuhn, K. A. (2017). Towards a continuous evolution and adaptation of information systems in healthcare. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 73(1), 75-89. Web.

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