Analysis of Communication in Medicine

In recent decades, the amount of information in the world has grown at an alarming rate. This complicates the process of finding the main and useful facts in the entire data stream. However, there are areas in which public awareness is needed: health care in particular. For example, the American Heart Association (AHA) has been trying to educate the public about heart disease for several years (Wilcox, Cameron, and Reber 134). As it turned out, their attempts were practically unsuccessful.

There are several ways to draw the attention of a broad audience to medical issues. First, it is required to attract any audience, in particular, “passive ones.” To do this, educational campaigns need to be loud, unusual, and attention-grabbing. These include, for example, large and bright banners with catchy slogans. Second, it is necessary to make the messages easy to understand. To do this, one needs to study the target audience and understand their age, interests, and other characteristics. This will help determine what is most important for them and use it in the message to the public.

Third, it is undoubtedly necessary to use multiple channels of influence on people. Free options involve the Internet: for example, posts on social networks and videos on special platforms. It is important to create engaging content and reach the widest possible audience. In addition, it is necessary to create interesting learning events to attract the largest number of people. Fourth, word of mouth can be a powerful way to educate people. To do this, doctors may ask patients to tell their close people about their services and about heart disease in general. If doctors provide quality services, then patients will gladly recommend them to other people. All of this will help raise public awareness of heart issues.


Wilcox, D. L., Cameron, G. T., and Reber, B. H. Public Relations Strategies and Tactics, 11th ed. Pearson, 2014.

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