Analysis of How a Windmill Works


Windmill is a piece of equipment that isintegrated with blade like structures that rotate to produce mechanical or electric energy. Windmills are mainly installed around the oceans and high places where high speed winds are experienced. Windmill produce renewable source of energy that is cheaper and can also be used for domestic purposes (Tiffany and Christianlly, 12).The amount of energy produced by a windmill station depends on the amount of wind experienced and the ability of the generator to convert mechanical energy to electric energy. Windmills provide safer source of electric energy as compared to other sources such as nuclear energy and hydroelectric energy. Windmills operate under defined scientific principles that can be understood through engineering technology. The following study will therefore discuss the scientific principles under which a windmill operates.

Systematic Working Process of a Windmill

The wind isa form of solar energy that is a combination of three concurrent forces. The heat from the sun creates an uneven force in the atmospherethat propels wind energy. The irregularities of the earth’s surface also contribute to the wind forces (Claudia,5). The rotation of the earth also affects how wind energy is experienced in the environment.Wind flow patterns and speeds vary across the environment depending on various factors (Chris,2). ). The presence of water bodies, the difference in terrain and vegetation affect the amount of wind energy experienced to drive the windmill. Wind power energy can be created through the generation of mechanical and electric power from the wind.A windmill consists of a rotor, two or three blades, a shaft, and a gearbox. The blades of a windmill work to rotate and induce mechanical forces to produce mechanical and electric energy (U.S Energy, 3). A rotor on the windmill works to maintain the motion of flow of the blades. A shaft is an instrument that connects the rotor to the gearbox and the generator. The gearbox, on the other hand, works to transform mechanical forces into electric energy.

Most wind turbines have two to three blades mounted to the tower made from tubular steel. The towers are mostly fitted 100 feet above the ground to allow the blades acquire faster speeds of wind found at high altitudes (U.S Energy, 2). During the generation of energy process, the blades of the windmill catch the wind energy through population of the blades by wind.When wind blows, low pressure is formed on the lower side of the blade. The lower pressure air pocket formed is then pulled back causing the rotor to turn through a lift force.

The forces of lift become much stronger than the drag forces that compel the blades to rotate. The combination of the drag and lift force cause the rotor to rotate in relation to the velocity of the wind. The series of gears in the windmill increases the rotation of the rotor from 18 revolutions per minute to 18,000 revolutions per minute (U.S Energy,4). The increasing speed of revolution in the turbine causes generation of AC electricity. The turbine controller in the windmill also controls the amount of revolution and AC electricity produced from the instrument.

Principle of Operation of a Windmill

A wind turbine works on certain principles.A windmill operates under the principle of mechanics, kinetic energy and transformation of mechanical to electric energy. The Windmill equipment receives turbulent forces from the wind and atmospheric air forces which rotate the blades. The blades develop kinetic energy depending on the velocity of wind forces that drives the shaft of the equipment (U.S Energy,2). The amount of mechanical energy produced from the blades depends on the velocity of air pressure within the blades. The kinetic energy forces are then transferred to the gearbox of the equipment which in turn generates mechanical energy to the generator. The initial simple mechanical energy transferred to gearbox of the generator is then generated to produce more mechanical energy. The generator of the windmill eventually transforms the mechanical energy to electric energy.

A windmill turbine is developed by engineers to generate power from the forces of nature. Engineers develop windmills to work efficiently during from the high velocity windy conditions (Ben,2). A windmill should also be constructed through installing a framework that reduces the effect of damage in case of strong currents. The blades of the windmill equipment are constructed with light metals to enable the equipment to rotate efficiently when the blade is rotated with the wind (Chris,2). The operation of a windmill does not require a motor or a fan to capture and transform electric energy rather the turbines of the windmill transform the mechanical energy from the wind to electric energy that can be used for domestic and commercial purposes.


Windmills serve to produce renewable electric energy that is cheaper as compared to other forms of energy.A windmill consists of blades, shaft, gearbox and turbines that coordinate to transform wind to electric energy. The operation of a windmill works under certain principles such as transformation of kinetic energy and velocity of air pressure that rotates the windmill blades. The amount of electricity produced from a windmill depends on the efficiency of the equipment and amount of mechanical energy produced that can be transformed to electric energy.Windmills therefore operate through certain scientific principles and are cheap renewable source of energy.

Works Cited

Tiffany Hightower and Christianlly Cena.(2021). Web.

Claudia F.2020. Web.

Chris Woodford. 2020.

Ben Davis.2021. Web.

U.S Energy. 2021. Web.

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