Apple Inc.’s Products and Factors of Demand


Price is commonly considered one of the factors strongly affecting demand for specific products. For Apple Inc., whose goods are sold worldwide, this parameter is critical to take into account, as shown in Figure 1. As the results in India demonstrate, a decrease in price is directly related to an increase in sales, and the high cost of Apple’s products is a constraint. The indicators of the past years show a direct relationship between the cost and the buying interest of the target audience. Therefore, price is essential to analyze as an important demand factor.

Demand for iPhones in India 
Fig. 1. Demand for iPhones in India 

Competition and Supply

Along with the price, competition and supply are significant factors to take into account when assessing demand. In Figure 2, Apple’s rivalry with other major digital market players is presented (Sung-Jin, 2021). These numbers, when compared within one year, clearly demonstrate the volatility of demand, and for Apple, the corporation’s numbers rose over that period. Another critical factor for the company in question is supply. Despite the lack of a wide global network, as Bhardwaj (2019) argues, in the past few years, the supply of iPhones as Apple’s main product has decreased in India, as shown in Figure 3. This decline directly affects demand, creating interest in the goods and stimulating active sales caused by such a deficit. Therefore, price, competition, and supply are the most important factors in assessing the demand affecting Apple Inc.

Apple’s competition 
Fig. 2. Apple’s competition 
Apple’s supply
Fig. 3. Apple’s supply


Bhardwaj, R. (2019). Apple iPhone X demand strong, but supply is a growing concern. Medium. Web.

Buchholz, K. (2021). Demands for iPhones up in India. Statista. Web.

Sung-Jin, Y. (2021). Apple’s forthcoming iPhone 13 launch in Korea to put pressure on Samsung. The Korea Herald. Web.

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