Application of Filibusters to Influence Public Perceptions

Political parties (predominantly minority parties) frequently employ filibusters to influence public perceptions on a particular subject. To keep the media interested, senators may employ the filibuster even if they are not saying anything significant. It can be difficult if one is trying to figure out which pirates are purely for political reasons. Once the filibuster is finished, and the legislation in question has been considered and voted on, this information is usually unavailable. The filibuster’s power to prevent a vote is one of its most severe drawbacks. Senators who utilize filibusters are usually strong-willed people who will not back down from a confrontation. The filibuster can potentially shut down the Senate as a whole because no other matters can be addressed or voted on until the filibuster ends. Therefore, I believe the Senate should abolish the filibusters so that it takes only a simple majority of 51 voters.

If one party controls the House of Representatives, Senate, and presidency, it will be easy for them to pass policies; however, full implementation of the set policies will not be possible. This is because, during the drafting process, the majority party will easily vote yes to the bill as the majority vote counts. In contrast, for implementation, members of a minority party might oppose the bill and fail to implement it fully, making it ineffective in some regions. The lack of unity and the feeling that members from other parties are left out of the process might affect the implementation of the passed policy.

I think with the filibuster, the government will be unable to address the country’s needs. This is because civil rights legislation is not the filibuster’s most important area of expertise. Voters are prevented from voting on legislation dealing with civil and labor rights and racial justice. The filibuster’s power to prevent a vote is one of its most severe drawbacks. Before 1964, many southern senators used the filibuster to thwart anti-lynching legislation. Senators who utilize filibusters are usually strong-willed people who will not back down from a confrontation. For re-elected senators, this may play a more substantial role in considering how their constituents see them.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, June 1). Application of Filibusters to Influence Public Perceptions.

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