Evidence that We Are Too Dependent on Computers

Humanity has come a long way from learning how to make a fire to building skyscrapers and metropolises. With constant progress and development, we are afraid to look back in time to barely recognize the way former generations lived. Technology and computer science have become an integral part of our everyday life. We use information technology products to memorize, calculate, create, edit, analyze data, and entertain ourselves. A significant part of the population is concerned about computers’ incorporation and the trust level we are giving to them. The worry is fueled by the scale of losses from machines’ errors and malfunctioning. Nevertheless, people will always be reliant on computers that are a consequent outcome of technology’s development and bring a positive impact on humans’ lives.

Machinery products simplify our actions, help us achieve new goals, and save human resources. With computers, individuals can be fast, efficient, and productive during everyday activities. Machines do not have a human factor causing a variety of errors. Lack of sleep, overworking, multiple decision-making distracts peoples’ minds from the actual task. Computers do not possess any emotions and feelings, that is why they are more precise in calculations, assessments, and planning. Whilst saving time humans spend on counting numbers, for instance, they can use it for creation, self-development, and education. We can apply our resources to more productive directions and bring a positive impact on the future life.

Relying on technologies is inalienable as humans cannot exist detachedly creating everything by themselves. Throughout history, we were dependent on animals, weather, nature, cultural beliefs, and other people in the commune. Creating interconnections, sharing experiences, making families is major as it satisfies our social needs and helps us survive. Furthermore, with technological progress, people are more likely to trust computers more than humans.

According to the study by Farjam (2019), humans preferred depending on outcomes based on computers’ decision-making rather than other individuals irrespective of the well-known result. Such penchants might have several motives: suspicion of humans’ betrayal, their emotional involvement, perception of machines as more predictable and precise. We can merely speculate what leads humans to such choices, but the data results present the conclusions. People prefer dependence on machines over humans, and we have to accept that reliance because it is vital for us.

Some can claim computers spread vulgar language and addiction to electronic games which cannot be assessed as positive effects. However, it is unreasonable to blame PCs for their negative influence as people are the ones taking responsibility for their creation. Humans should integrate computers rationally: utilizing machines for entertainment must be limited as all other non-computer types of amusement.

Consuming alcohol and neurostimulators also cause problems damaging individuals’ health, inducing addiction and early deaths. Children that do not know limits on playing videogames, spreaders of inappropriate and vulgar materials via the Internet, shenanigans in databases are all made by us. There are clear solutions such as putting more attention to children’s upbringing, limiting cites with potential adult content, protecting systems containing important data with various tools. Controlling negative outcomes from machines can bring us sensible computer usage.

Hence, PCs are integrated into every corner of our being, and we should perceive them as consequent positive results of progress. Computers give individuals the possibility to be even more efficient, productive, and creative. Rejecting dependence on technology is unreasonable as we must rely on something, and research shows that we choose to give out trust to machines rather than to people. The influence of technologies can be harmful; however, it comes from our inappropriate control. Setting limits and protecting data can help reduce the negative impacts of gadgets and lead to better outcomes using them.


Farjam, M. (2019). On whom would I want to depend; Humans or computers? Journal of Economic Psychology, 72, 219-228. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Evidence that We Are Too Dependent on Computers." September 7, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/are-we-too-dependent-on-computers/.


StudyCorgi. "Evidence that We Are Too Dependent on Computers." September 7, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/are-we-too-dependent-on-computers/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Evidence that We Are Too Dependent on Computers." September 7, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/are-we-too-dependent-on-computers/.

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