Articles of Confederation and Revolutionary Spirit

The United States’ initial Constitution, the Articles of Confederation, was approved in 1781. According to Matthew Bunch’s article “The Revolutionary Spirit of the Articles of Confederation,” the Articles of Confederation were not a complete failure. Despite being frequently criticized as a weak and ineffective system of government, it is essential to recognize the significant accomplishments of this revolutionary document.

The Articles were crucial in laying the groundwork for America and were influential in some respects. For instance, it concluded the American Revolutionary War successfully (Brunch 6). This document made the Northwest Ordinance possible because it provided a framework for western development. Moreover, the Treaty of Paris, which recognized the United States independence and specified the boundaries of the new country, was also negotiated by the Confederation administration. In addition, the Confederation Charter reflected the ideals of republicanism, which highlighted the significance of the individual states and their right to self-government. The new Constitution included this basic premise, illustrating the connection between the two administration forms.

The document was a great accomplishment at the time, despite its limitations. The Articles created a more robust form of government with some alterations and improvements. Although, the new Constitution had to be ratified to overcome the shortcomings of the first Constitution and create a more powerful federal government that could deal with the nation’s challenges. While the Articles of Confederation had significant weaknesses, Bunch suggests that with some modifications and adjustments, they could have been successful in establishing a more effective system of government.

In conclusion, the Articles of Confederation were not a complete failure and had significant accomplishments carried forward into the new Constitution. They could have created a more efficient form of government if they had more time and made certain adjustments. However, adopting the new Constitution was necessary to address the weaknesses of the Articles and establish a stronger federal government capable of addressing the nation’s challenges at that time.

Works Cited

Bunch, Matthew. “The Revolutionary Spirit of the Articles of Confederation.” Southeast Regional Meeting, Florida Society, Sons of the American Revolution, 2022.

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