Aspects of Active Listening Skills


Effective active listening involves encompasses involving diverse techniques that facilitate proper perception of the patient. I observed a conversation between a nurse and a patient and the active listening technique of nonverbal cues used mainly by the nurse. The nurse would nod to show understanding of the patients’ opinions. The nurse-maintained eye contact with the patient throughout the conversation, which seemed to enhance the confidence of the patient concerning the conversation (Kilgo et al., 2018). The nurse and the patient seemed contented with the flow of the conversation because of the use of nonverbal cues.

Step to Better Active Listening Skills Used

Out of the thirteen steps of active listening skills, restating was the most prevalent in the conversation between the nurse and the patient. The nurse was keen to restate all the important points the patient made and would offer a further explanation to ensure that what she understood was what the patient made. The patient also occasionally restated some of the points made by the nurse and sought clarification on the points that were unclear in meaning.

The success of the Active Listening

Using nonverbal cues in communication enhances understanding of the points discussed in a conversation. The patient appeared stressed before meeting the nurse during the discussion I witnessed. However, using nonverbal cues and restating important points positively impacted the patient’s confidence in the nurse’s competence (Kilgo et al., 2018). As a result, the patient was relieved and was able to participate in the conversation effectively, helping the nurse diagnose what the patient was suffering from and the most appropriate treatment procedure.


At the end of the conversation, the nurse and the patient were smiling because they had established a therapeutic relationship. The patient appreciated the nurse and congratulated her for being patient and ready to listen to the health issues that affected him. The nurse appeared contended and assured the patient that she would try her best to administer the most appropriate treatment and care procedure to ensure he fully recovered. I learned that therapeutic communication is essential in conversations.


Kilgo, D., Boutler, T. R., & Coleman, R. (2018). Face value: Linking nonverbal cues to character traits in impression formation of politicians. International Journal of Communication, 12(1), 24.

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