Youths and the Welfare Provision Services

What Youths Involved in Welfare System Say About It

In Alberta, Ontario, and Manitoba, youths involved in the welfare provision services have common interests and issues that affect them. The youths, therefore, agree on the following matters to binding them together: Firstly, the youths agree that the welfare systems assist in investigating related abuse of their rights and other forms of neglect. The systems also assist them in seeking their rights in cases involving social and mental matters. Secondly, the welfare systems provide services to the youth families who assist in protecting and caring for their children and youths.

The welfare system’s availability enables most youths to develop high self-esteem due to the available protection incentives from these welfare systems. Youths agree that the existing welfare systems in these provinces offer good organization of alternative homes (Child Intervention Division, 2017). Therefore, youths have positive feelings about these welfare systems since they enable them to have alternative families away from the streets or neglected homes.

Grading of the Provinces Based on Reality of Their Systems

The three provinces’ grading differs based on the adoption of natural systems. For instance, in Alberta, there are integrated and workable welfare systems where youths can easily interact with the service providers and other well-wishers. In Alberta also, there are available rules and policies of children and youth protection which assist the youths in reporting any violation of their rights and other social challenges. Ontario has policies but no strict measures against violating children and youths’ rights.

Few welfare systems developed in Ontario; hence youths living in that province may experience challenges reporting any form of violence to the authorities. Therefore, Ontario relatively gives solutions to the youths as compared to Alberta. Lastly, in Manitoba, most youths are exposed to forms of violation of their rights, and most mental issues are reported in Manitoba. This trend indicates that there are no fundamental structures where youths can seek alternative solutions when their rights have been violated (Hwami, 2018). Therefore, Manitoba has the lowest grade regarding offering protection to youths and children.


Child Intervention Division. (2017). Child Intervention Information and Statistics Summary 2016/17 Fourth Quarter. Web.

Hwami, M. (2018). Educating Children and Youth in Care in Alberta: A Scoping Review. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education, 13(1): 3-22.

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