Aspects of Communications Technology

Communication is the most crucial detail of building personal relationships, which is vital for the existence of a family. Sometimes, family members are far from each other, but they need to discuss an important issue immediately. In this case, technology can help solve this problem. The technology industry brought many innovations to human society, including ways of communicating. This paper states different strategies for using technology to communicate with families.

Communications technology can be described as wireless Internet and mobile devices that people can use to transmit information. Also, they can be expressed as radio, landline telephones, and live broadcasts (Pratt, 2019). Applications such as Skype, Discord, Google meet, etc., are most often used on personal computers. They provide the opportunity to hold a conference or conversation with many users (from 2 to 100, depending on the application) in one session. They can be helpful for the family, as they provide a good quality of communication and the opportunity to communicate with all family members simultaneously. However, the obvious disadvantage is that for this method of communication, a personal computer is needed, which may not always be nearby.

The telephone communication can also serve as a good way of communication. Still, it is not always relevant since there may be roaming or a lack of a network abroad. instead of this method, a family can use messengers (Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, and so on). They are easily installed on a mobile device and support audio and video calls and chat correspondence. Moreover, it is possible to send pictures, videos, and other media files with the help of messengers.

Nevertheless, I would like students to discuss each communication method’s positive and negative sides as they described in their initial posts. They can ask each other questions, clarify or supplement any information that they own and know how to apply. Discussing these issues will be a good ground for reflection and a wonderful experience that can be shared with other people and used in everyday life.


Pratt, M. K. (2019). ICT (information and communications technology, or technologies). SearchCIO.

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