Aspects of Emotional Intelligence


I chose the area exercise EQ 14, “To Talk or Not to Talk.” I chose the exercise since it is vital for social knowledge, self-awareness, and empathy. The activity was interesting because it helps build relationships by understanding our interaction with others and helps generate empathy among individuals interacting. Besides, one of the most integral subjects that the exercise stipulates is how empathy facilitates an appropriate response to others (Lynn & Lyn, 2015). Empathic social workers can understand other people’s feelings and take actions that respond to the situation effectively.

Discovery Made from the Exercise Results

The exercise results were insightful as they helped me develop several discoveries. From the results, I learned that non-verbal cues are part of conversing and contribute to understanding what a speaker might be saying and help the speaker understand what the listeners might be suggesting based on what the conversation entails. I learned that people, who do not talk so much, tell a lot through their non-verbal cues, which entail important consideration for the listener (Lynn & Lyn, 2015). Besides, those who talk need to be observant of the nonverbal cues since sometimes they can go overboard and dominate the conversation. From the exercise results, I discovered that an effective conversation should encompass exchanging of information between two people in a comprehensible manner. Therefore, two or more people involved in a conversation must ensure everyone has ample time to share their ideas on the topic at hand.


The results did not surprise me much since what I learned was contemporary and typical to most people. I acknowledged that non-verbal cues are essential parts of a conversation and contribute to a higher level of understanding between the two people (Lynn & Lyn, 2015). Additionally, I think a conversation should never be one-sided, and everyone should have a chance to say what they feel about the topic being discussed.


Lynn, A. B., & Lyn, J. R. (2015). The emotional intelligence activity kit. Amacom.

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