Dating Trends and Mate Selection


In the life of human beings, dating and mate selection have been critical aspects that facilitate the marriage institution across different cultures in the world. Men and women of different calibers have embraced the practice to link with a future partner. However, over the decades, the dating and process of choosing partners have changed significantly. During the process, both genders have various factors to consider before opting for the intended person. The dating and mate selection trends are continuously changing, making individuals adapt based on the current situation. The Presentation explores dating trends and mate selection in the 1970s, 2010 and 2022.

Key Information from Article by Murstein 1980

Based on the article, Murstein explored the aspect of mate selection in the 1970s. Findings indicate determinants of assertiveness in the process of choosing a partner. They include education, intelligence, age, socioeconomic status, and proximity. The piece of work suggests that during this period, complementary needs were key factors to be considered in selecting a mate. The results further portray the increasing rate of cohabitation in the dating life of people. Similarly, across the decade, the courting interest tended to decline. In addition, the article shows the emergence of love, which constituted the sex drive and interest that adults had for one another.

Key Information from Article by Sassler 2010

In the article, Sassler explores the aspect of partnering across life taking into consideration the elements of sex, mate selection, and dating relationships. In this decade, the piece of work indicates an increasing rate of romantic relationships that occurs outside matrimonial unions. According to the author, several factors have contributed to the issue, such as delay in marriage. Furthermore, there was an increasing dissolution of relationships in the 2010 period. The findings show a rising internet dating experience among people looking for intimate mates. Another common trend in dating is the increasing rate of cohabitation between adults searching for potential mates. In this decade, partners have adopted the facet of serial partnering.

Key Information from Article by Ranzini et al. 2020

In the article, Ranzini et al. examine the aspect of assortative dating on the online platform. The authors based their investigation on an experimental dating app known as Tinder. The finding indicates that attractiveness is a key consideration during the selection of a mate. Furthermore, people tend to value and choose partners that are more educated and have similar traits. In this decade, interracial relationship is common among people. Other significant determinants in partnering include the age and personality of the other party. Furthermore, in this age of life, partners do not value the ethnicity of each other and thus making it heterogeneous.

Effects of Singlism

By definition, the term singlism refers to the state of being unmarried or lack of a spouse, either male or female. In relation to societal beliefs, status is characterized by the aspect of stigmatization and stereotyping that make individuals feel uncomfortable. Most single individuals have lowered self-esteem and cannot present themselves boldly in the community. The fear of how they are seen in the setting makes them antisocial and, thus avoid engaging on a number of occasions. In addition, singlism makes the victims be perceived as immature people among the married group. Following the level of discrimination associated with status, unmarried are likely to suffer mental health problems.

Furthermore, the discrimination against singlism is deeply connected to the exhibition of withdrawal behavior whereby the victims tend to remain without strong social contact. Similarly, singlism is associated with the aspect of happy living, especially when comparing it with stressful relationships. In some instances, the individuals bearing the status are less recognized at the workplace and are not entitled to some basic benefits such as insurance (Girme et al., 2022). Other people believe that being single contributes to financial shortage due to less pay and lack of support from the missing partner. Despite the negative effects of having no significant mate, the group has adequate time to engage in their activities since they have less focus and all their attention is directed to their respective actions.

Similarities in Each Decade

In the 1970s, 2010, and 2022, dating practice is geared toward identifying the ideal partner. The adults embrace the aspect of assortative partnering, where they value positive matches. In addition, the tendency to have a mate that facilitates a balance need has been constant since the 1970s. The element of cohabitation is common in all periods. In other words, people have adopted the tendency to live together without engaging in marital union. Age and other personality traits are considered by both males and females selecting their mates. The economic stability of a partner is another significant element valued in the decades.

Differences in Each Decade

Across the three decades, trends in dating and mate selection have changed significantly, leaving other practices obsolete and some attraction to the people willing and able to engage in the processes. According to the article by Murstein, people used to date and select partners for marriage; however, in 2010, the system changed and delays in marital union became common. Similarly, in 2010 and 2022, dating apps such as Tinder emerged, enabling people to interact and choose their mates based on the post indicated on the online platform. The trend was not available in the 1970s when adults depended on direct meetings at parties and other social places. Moreover, the notion of having serial partners did not exist in the 1970s but is currently common in 2022.

Comparing and Contrasting Dating Trends

During the three-decade period, the dating trends have shifted significantly. In the early years that are 1970s, people used to walk together, especially during free time, and play games with each other as a way of developing a deep connection. In 2010, other emerging developments, such as touring, were used by potential friends to build their relationships. Moreover, the aspects of evening strolls after office work are becoming a common norm that people use to obtain attention and time from the individuals they are seeking romantic affairs from. In addition, some adults prefer going for dinner dates and music classes with partners to enhance their rapport. In 2022, dating apps dominated the system whereby people just met online and shared their dreams and visions.

Comparing and Contrasting Mate Selection Trends

The mate selection process has undergone a series of changes making it have emerging trends across the three periods. The most common approach based on the assortative method involves identifying partners that bear the quality of another. The trend was used in the 1970s and 2010 and is still applicable to date. Other people consider the aspect of physical appearance before choosing their respective mates. The proximity factor played a significant role in the 1970s when most adults preferred having partners from close regions for easy reachability. The socioeconomic facet is crucial since people view marriage as a resource exchange institution to facilitate the balance of needs. The trend of ethnicity was applicable in the 1970s but removed by the element of online dating in 2010 and 2022.

Theory of Mate Selection

In order to choose a partner, I would apply the social exchange theory. This model is essential in mate selection because it is based on the aspect of the cost-benefit approach (Chernyak-Hai & Rabenu, 2018). When using the method, it will be easier to determine the impacts each party will contribute to the lives of each other to better the relationship. Moreover, through the mechanism, it is possible to evaluate and compare different individuals to locate the ultimate person for romantic ties. Social exchange promotes an understanding that enables partners to reduce costs and increase the relationship rewards.


In summary, over the decades, dating trends and mate selection have been changing significantly. People consider several factors, such as socioeconomic status, education, and physical attraction, when choosing partners. Based on the three articles, cohabitation is increasing exponentially over the decades. The state of singlism promotes discrimination leading to withdrawal conduct. In 2010 and 2022, adults have opted for dating apps to locate and choose their partners depending on the qualities indicated by the person. To undertake proper mate selection, the social exchange theory provides a better and more reflective platform to analyze the respective party.


Chernyak-Hai, L., & Rabenu, E. (2018). The new era workplace relationships: Is social exchange theory still relevant? Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 11(3), 456-481.

Girme, Y. U., Sibley, C. G., Hadden, B. W., Schmitt, M. T., & Hunger, J. M. (2022). Unsupported and stigmatized? The association between relationship status and well-being is mediated by social support and social discrimination. Social psychological and personality science, 13(2), 425- 435.

Murstein, B. I. (1980). Mate selection in the 1970s. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 777-792.

Ranzini, G., Rosenbaum, J. E., & Tybur, J. M. (2022). Assortative (online) dating: Insights into partner choice from an experimental dating app. Computers in Human Behavior, 127.

Sassler, S. (2010). Partnering across the life course: Sex, relationships, and mate selection. Journal of Marriage and Family, 72(3), 557-575.

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