Aspects of Islam and the Quran


The Quran is a sacred text that is followed by Muslims around the world. During ancient times, it promoted polygyny, men, and women being equal in Allah’s eyes, and marriage for procreation. However, it restricted the number of wives to four, demanding the husband treat them with equity (Khan Academy).


Due to the aforementioned equality, the early development of Islam witnessed women playing a significant role in its promotion. It is important to mention that the Quran promoted acceptance of different traditions and customs, making it adaptable for multiple locations, such as Africa, for example. Since the sacred book covers not only religious aspects, and dressing habits, but celebrating holidays and teaching ways of business, the continent’s society was shifted, as literacy and education improved (Bello 28). Due to the similarities between Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, conversion to the former was easy. In more complicated cases, their original customs would blend with the practices of the Quran (Khan Academy). This resulted in different adaptations of Islamic culture, as Arabian women would have a restricted presence, while in Western Africa, they would work and socialize independently.

With the development of Islam, a new form of government appeared called a caliphate. This was the name of Islamic states governed by a religious or political figure called a caliph. The first Muslim empire was not driven by religion, however, it was certainly a major contributor to its success. Non-Muslim subjects did not experience any opposition towards the leaders (Khan Academy). This is because early caliphates were formed with the consideration of the political context of nearby societies. Nowadays, however, Islamic governments vary in their features. For example, Iran represents a mixed government system created by the constitution, where the roles of the executive, parliament, and judiciary are assessed by several figures controlled by the clergy (Encyclopedia Britannica).


To conclude, the Quran has its perspective on the economy as well. For example, it teaches that people should not deal with fraud and be fair in their dealings. Moreover, the text emphasizes the importance of charity and social justice in the economic distribution of wealth (IslamOnline). Thus, it provides a more concise perspective of economic life based on the sacred book.

Works Cited

Bello, Abdulmajeed H. “Islam and cultural changes in modern Africa.” MedCrave online | Online Publishing Library | Online Journal Publishing Groups, MedCrave, 2018, “Government and society.” Encyclopedia Britannica, 2022, .

IslamOnline. “An introduction to religion and economics.” IslamOnline, 2021, Web.

Khan Academy. “READ: Islam (article).” Khan Academy, Web.

Khan Academy. “The development and spread of Islamic cultures (article).” Khan Academy, Web.

Khan Academy. “The rise of Islamic empires and states (article).” Khan Academy, Web.

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