Aspects of Mathematical Functions

A mathematical function, often symbolized by f(x), defines a relationship between the input variables and the expected output. One property that makes a function accurate is that one input variable only gives a specific output value, of which the reverse would also give the variable input. Although a function is often represented by f(x), other single letters can also be used to represent a function. For instance, functions can be denoted by g(x) and z(x), among other letters. Mathematical functions are theories that have been proven repeatedly and can be used to solve real problems that face the world. Therefore, this paper analyses how to advise a circular landowner to fence the land without procuring less or more meshed wire by applying a function that relates the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

Procuring materials for fencing such as meshed wires is a headache for many landowners, especially when one has no clue how to develop a function that relates to the parameters of the land. This is a problem because there is fear of purchasing more or less material, which presents problems such as wastage of money and incomplete projects, respectively. Therefore, fencing a circular farm demands that a function that relates the circumference of a circle to its diameter must be developed to lead the calculation of the length of meshed wire required. The circumference of a circle relates to its diameter as described in the function below:

C = 2πr (Ekowati & Suwandayani, 2020).

Where C is the circumference and r is the circle’s radius, and π = 3.142. Since 2r = D, the equation above can be simplified to give:

C = 2πD, where D is the diameter of the circle.

As such, given the diameter of the farm as 100 meters, the length of the meshed wire needed for one round can be calculated as defined by the equation above as shown below.

C= 3.142 x 100 = 314.2 metres of mesh wire for one round.


Ekowati, D., & Suwandayani, B. (2020). Understanding the concept of π numbers for elementary school pre-service teachers on circle materials. Jurnal Prima Edukasia, 8(1), 12-19.

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