Aspects of Online Dating

Online dating or Internet dating is a scheme that facilitates individuals to find and introduce themselves to prospective connections over the internet, intending to establish sexual, personal, or romantic relationships. An internet dating service is a firm that offers particular mechanisms such as software applications and websites for online dating via the use of inter-linked mobile devices and personal computers. This essay will summarize the article Is Online Dating Destroying How We Date, online dating’s contribution to pickiness, its influence on dating choices, and its benefits and drawbacks.

According to Pompey in his article Is Online Dating Destroying How We Date, he likes online dating since he spends sixty hours per week assisting men in succeeding with it. Contrarily, he sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night and asks himself if he is facilitating a movement that destroys the ways individuals find love. He says that there is the cultural influence that internet dating has brought to society. For instance, individuals have found love with others they could not have had access to. Long-lasting marriages and successful relationships are formed daily due to online dating.

He added that access to many prospective romantic mates has led to a tremendous breed of women and men who have become idealistically picky. Moreover, Pompey states that internet dating has led to the “next best thing mentality” where a woman and a man are on a date. Still, back in their thoughts, they are aware they have emails awaiting them in their inbox since they expect the next individual to be better. This will result in an unending pursuit of the next best companion without even truly knowing someone. Finally, Pompey believes that the advantages of online dating outweigh its negatives; thus, individuals should use online dating more responsibly.

I believe that internet dating has resulted in increased pickiness among potential romantic partners. Many candidates’ reviews make individuals more judgemental, and one is persuaded to dismiss a partner easily (Pompey, 2013). Internet dating behaves like an online shopping site, and one may skip profiles not matching exactly what they want since there are several other profiles with individuals close to what they are looking for. I have never used online dating to find a romantic partner because there is no opportunity to interact and do things face-to-face. Also, I perceive that the quality of relationships resulting from online dating is more likely to break up within some days. This is because most individuals in dating apps use them to attract attention and waste time.

I believe that the advantages of online dating include easy start-up since one only requires a mobile device and internet connection to start a conversation and to widen the dating opportunities beyond one geographical area. Additionally, online dating is affordable since one has to incur an internet connection and subscription fee-only, unlike when meeting someone offline. However, the drawbacks of online dating include the long time spent searching for the perfect match, unrealistic expectations (Pompey, 2013), exposure to trolling, dangers of the unknown, and high chances of people lying. The disadvantages of online dating outweigh its advantages since there are many dangerous risks associated with it. Thus, offline dating can be the best approach since you meet your partner face-to-face, and you will know more about the person, unlike online, where there are a lot of lies.

The advancing technology has posed threats to vital aspects concerning how people connect and relate on a personal level, as witnessed in several intimate relationships. Intimate relationships are faced with many challenges, and advancing technology contributes more problems to modern relationships. The mechanisms in which individuals utilize technology can generate challenges among romantic partners resulting in dissatisfaction and conflicts in the relationship. Finally, technology tends to be an effective means of distraction when romantic partners are having fun.


Pompey, J., 2013. Is Online Dating Destroying How We Date?. HuffPost. Web.

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