Baking a Marble Cake Project

The project aims to bake a tasty marble cake following the recipe. Within the scope of the project, one goal should be achieved. This goal includes baking a tasty marble cake following the given instructions. To avoid potential obstacles, a person cooking the cake should read these instructions carefully. In addition, they should ensure that all the ingredients needed have been bought. All the tools and utensils also should be available, for example, such things as toothpicks or parchment paper. The project aims to bake a tasty marble cake by the recipe. Within the scope of the project, one goal should be achieved. This goal includes baking a delicious marble cake following the given instructions. To avoid potential obstacles, a person cooking the cake should read these instructions carefully. In addition, they should ensure that all the ingredients needed have been bought. All the tools and utensils should also be available, such as toothpicks or parchment paper.

The necessary resources can be divided into two groups: products and utensils. The following products are needed to make a cake: eggs, chocolate, butter, sugar, confectioner’s sugar, vanilla, flour, salt, baking powder, sour cream, and milk. The following utensils should be available: an oven, a tablespoon, a teaspoon, a bowl, a knife, parchment paper, a microwave, a toothpick, a serving plate, and an offset spatula. The key milestones of the project include making a cream, making the batter, baking it, dividing the cake into layers, and frosting it. The relationship between the milestone activity is mostly finish-to-start, although some of them can be done in parallel; for example, the oven can be heated while the batter is made. The work breakdown structure for the recipe is presented below.

Marble cake: step 1

Marble cake: step 2

Marble cake: step 3

Marble cake: step 4

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StudyCorgi. (2023, March 6). Baking a Marble Cake Project.

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'Baking a Marble Cake Project'. 6 March.

1. StudyCorgi. "Baking a Marble Cake Project." March 6, 2023.


StudyCorgi. "Baking a Marble Cake Project." March 6, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Baking a Marble Cake Project." March 6, 2023.

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