Baskin-Robbins Cultural Insights

An essential quality of ice cream and other sugary items is their flavor. For this reason, if I were the manager of Baskin-Robbins, I would ensure that there are enough sugar resources to manufacture the flavor and would not import items that would negatively affect sales. I would also determine if sugar cane’s reputation for deliciousness across the country is sufficient to merit further research. The flavor will be developed, and its viability for sustainable menu rotation will be evaluated. One aspect of culture that interests me is the prevalence and use of particular materials and resources.

I would look at the cultural variables to see if the new taste fits in with the norms of India. India boasts a rich cultural diversity thanks to the country’s many varied religions, ethnic groupings, social strata, and a colonial past with the British and Dutch. India is the second biggest producer of sugar cane internationally, and the crop plays a significant role in the culture and nutrition of the country (Raj, 2021). Therefore, incorporating sugar-cane flavor would be a critical strength that would increase sales and revenue for the business.

It should be noted, however, that a recent drought in India has led to a shortage of sugar cane. As a result, the price of sugar-cane ice cream in India may be out of line with the means of its citizens. Given the potential market success of sugar-cane-flavored ice cream, I would double-check to ensure that no other ice cream companies provide such a flavor. This would be an excellent opportunity for the product to succeed in the market. Finally, I would evaluate the potency of market rivals offering other alternative products to the sugar-cane ice cream to rule out the possibility that such a threat would make it fail to garner a sizable share of the market’s consumers.

Local operators should be free to develop unique flavors for ice creams, doughnuts, and other products marketed by Dunkin’ Brands since they know what sells well in their country. They may add a taste that is highly liked, and there is a fair possibility that the flavors they recommend will appeal to a large segment of the market. Taking into account cultural differences in each market is something I will suggest and push the company’s global management to do so that they can better cater to local tastes regardless of the customers’ origins. The product will thus not limit itself to serving a single market but will expand into others around the world. Because of the varying cultural norms around the world, I anticipate a delicate balancing act in formulating global policy concerning food flavorings.

With globalization’s advent and rapid pace, it is important to construct a single global strategy to address concerns that cut beyond national boundaries. This policy will help the company meet customers’ needs everywhere while catering to their individual tastes and preferences on a regional or national level. Culture plays a significant role in shaping people’s choices in various countries (Mariadoss, 2018). Consumers will always have their preferences, especially when it comes to food. Companies looking to break into the food industry should research local cuisine to develop methods for competing with regional specialties. It is a terrific way to fit in or even get ahead if the company can figure out what people want and then work that into its offerings. Dunkin’ Donuts and Baskin-Robbins both have the potential to expand their product lines by catering to local tastes and offering various flavors at each of their stores. Since the company’s ultimate goal is the satisfaction of its customers, it must always consider consumers’ individual preferences.


Mariadoss, B. J. (2018). Core principles of international marketing. Washington State University Press.

Raj, A. S. (2021). Dunkin’ Donuts fails to wow the Indian guts. Journal of Marketing Vistas, 11(1), 1-8. Web.

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