Biochemical and Neuropsychological Models of Childhood Psychiatric Disorders

Differential diagnosis of psychiatric disorders associated with neurological diseases or affective disorders remains relevant to the present day. It requires a thorough analysis of not only the conditions of the disorders but also the clinical picture as a whole. It should be noted that most authors studying this issue pointed the need for a comprehensive examination of patients, including neuropsychological diagnostics, to clarify the relationship between brain functioning and clinical manifestations of mental disorders. In this sphere, there are two primary models for understanding the correlation of the physical and psychiatric aspects of childhood psychiatric disorders: biochemical and neuropsychological.

The first model analyses the physical diseases that can cause the particular symptoms occurring during psychiatric disorders. The model considers psychiatric disorders as the complications of organized illnesses (Daves & Marshall, n.d.). Another aspect of the model includes the effect of the various medications and substance abuse on the brain cells distortions causing the various psychopathic disorders. In order to implement this model, various biochemical and laboratory investigations should be held to estimate the correlations between organic illness and psychiatric disorders.

To clarify the mechanisms of cognitive functioning of patients suffering from mental disorders, a number of studies used the neuropsychological method. Neuropsychological diagnostics is a process of studying the state of the brain, features of memory, attention, thinking, and other mental functions to identify disorders and correct them. In the course of such an examination, it is possible to determine foci of pathologies that can be directly related to difficulties in behavior, character, learning, and communication (Etkin et al., 2022). This model is useful in working with the psychiatric distortions in children (Etkin et al., 2022). It can help highlight the early stages of developmental problems and conduct correctional work with children to prevent the future progression of psychiatric disorders.


Davies, T. & Marshall, W. (n.d.). Biochemical aspects of psychiatric disorders. Clinicalgate.

Etkin, A., Gyurak, A., & O’Hara, R. (2022). A neurobiological approach to the cognitive deficits of psychiatric disorders. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 15(4), 419–429.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Biochemical and Neuropsychological Models of Childhood Psychiatric Disorders." July 15, 2023.

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