Blood Clotting Disorders as a Study Topic


Many factors need to be considered when analyzing and thinking about the consequences and causes of this kind of disease. The most important may be the hereditary connection, which transmits poor blood circulation and suffers from more than one generation. The problem of this disease has been bothering humankind for many years because this disease brings a lot of inconvenience to man’s ordinary life. The study of bad blood clotting can be considered relevant and extremely important in our time, as the number of people increases in proportion to the dangers encountered along the way (What Are the Most Common Blood Clot Disorders? 2019). Even the slightest cut can be fatal, so it is essential to consider all possible risks and research to eradicate this disease. It is just as important to read the book offered due to work (Saladin, 2017). The examples and research it provides will help to get up to speed and understand what direction to take to meet the challenges.

Critical Thinking

Physiology has always been one of those sciences that are so important today. In addition, not only people who are closest to human health but also representatives of other professions, such as hard science or sociology, are studying this kind of science. The functionality of the human body is not only an indicator of health but also of naturalness and beauty. However, the main branch that physiology deals with is medicine. Not insignificant is the fact that the dependence of this science on human life is directly proportional to its complexity and intricacy. Too many factors can influence the general laws of human life and lifestyle (Haemophilia Foundation Australia, 2021). One of these is blood clotting, which, although not one of the most prevalent causes of a fatal disease, can cause many problems.


Haemophilia Foundation Australia. (2021). About bleeding disorders.

Saladin, K. S. (2017). Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function. Mcgraw-Hill College.

What are the Most Common Blood Clot Disorders? (2019). Lindenberg Cancer & Hematology Center Marlton, NJ 08053.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Blood Clotting Disorders as a Study Topic." May 30, 2023.

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