Sources for Patients With Increased Blood Pressure


High blood pressure is a fairly common health problem in the modern population. This makes it essential to spread awareness about what serious consequences this disease can have for all age groups of the population. One of the ways to educate patients is to develop and familiarize people with various national and community sources that provide all the data about the disease. Thus, this work will consider several sources of increased blood pressure for patients. The main criteria for the analysis were the advantages of the source, the services provided, Fee schedules, transport, and the process associated with the help to solve the problem.

American Heart Association

The first national source that was selected for the analysis was created by the American Heart Association and contained a lot of information about various cardiovascular diseases. When going to the page about high blood pressure, patients are given the opportunity to read the facts about the disease. For example, the source notes that “nearly half of American adults have high blood pressure” (“The facts about high blood pressure,” 2017, para. 1). Another benefit of this source is the ease of use of the web page and transparent organization.

Moreover, the page provides information on how to monitor blood pressure levels, which is a definite plus. This is due to the fact that with this knowledge, patients can independently determine whether they are at risk and consult a doctor in a timely manner. The American Heart Association itself is a volunteer organization that helps with the fight against heart diseases and strokes. In addition, it has created its own non-profit fund, which collects a significant amount of money for assisting medical institutions.

Among the services of the association, the provision of training programs that are conducted in educational institutions can also be distinguished. This can reduce the risk of an increase in the number of adverse outcomes since people from an early age will know the possible risks of diseases if they are not congenital. Further, the American Heart Association has emergency cardiac care services and specific fee schedules. Thus, the fee for the use of certain data depends on the quantity and value and varies from one hundred to six hundred dollars (“Guidelines for the use of American Heart Association,” n.d.). Criteria for eligibility represent the presence of cardiovascular disease or signs of its initial stage.

The application process involves going through a particular procedure, which includes checking whether the candidate has been an active member of the association for more than two years. It is worth noting that during the study, no information was found about the application process for patients and the availability of transportation. Nevertheless, the use of this source can be valuable when developing a care plan. This is due to its informative nature and usefulness in terms of providing information about increased pressure.

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

The second national source that has been investigated in this academic paper is called the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. First of all, this source is of value to all patients and medical professionals in that it provides a brief but, at the same time, informative overview of high blood pressure. Also, it provides a table that shows the differences between normal, elevated, and high blood pressure. Another benefit of this source is the proposal to study a specialized diet plan that can become one of the preventive measures to avoid the occurrence of the investigated cardiovascular problem.

The source offers a large amount of online literature for patients to familiarize themselves with. Moreover, the organization constantly provides various studies on heart diseases, as well as problems with lungs and blood. Among the services, this institute has the provisions of educational programs and training based on the data obtained during its work.

Further, information about fee schedules was not found, possibly due to the fact that a large amount of information is publicly available to patients. Suitable researchers who want to work in this organization can send an expression of interest on the online portal (“How to apply,” 2022). New users must sign up for an account before expressing a desire to become part of the organization. Despite the fact that this source did not provide information on some of the items under investigation, it is worth emphasizing that it has data that can be used in terms of customer care.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

The source of the national institute of neurological disorders and stroke has several positive aspects for the study. Firstly, it is valuable and essential information that is then interpreted and does not become easy to understand. Hence, the organization is also engaged in organizing various educational events. It is noted that “Controlling high blood pressure can help reduce the risk of having a stroke and developing dementia later in life “(” Nobody’s got you, like you got you,” n.d.). Thus, one cannot deny the usefulness or more negative quality of a medical institution. As for the provision of information and fee schedules, this source does not charge for the use of research results. In addition, it is provided on various online platforms and social networks. This makes the data as accessible as possible for familiarization and strengthening of knowledge in patients.

Among the services, this source also provides training programs based on multiple funded studies on the cardiovascular system. As in the previous example, the study experienced difficulties in finding information such as the application process and availability of transportation. Despite this, this source can still be considered suitable for integration into a plan of care. This is due to the quality and evidence of the data received by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

Of particular importance in conducting this scientific study was the consideration of vulnerable populations, which, along with other people, have the right to receive medical care. It is worth highlighting that this aspect also concerns not only physical manifestations but also moral support. However, there are cases when the vulnerable population seeking these resources faces multiple problems that require immediate investigation.

Vulnerably Population

Minorities, which occupy a fairly significant part of the population, should be one of the main places in the development of health plans and strategies. This is due to the fact that this part of society does not always have the opportunity to receive any medical care. That is why it is necessary to expand the boundaries of organizations and introduce their activities in other countries. This can be done by providing a developed and thoughtful online source. Nevertheless, some management representatives should be aware of the importance of this issue.

The main advantage of obtaining selected sources for vulnerable populations is that they are provided with access to online pages that contain the necessary information. Thus, awareness of the problem is spreading, and there is a decrease in cases of complaints about increased pressure. This factor will also contribute to the fact that the level of appeal to medical specialists will decrease. The disadvantage of gaining access to online pages and web resources may be exposing personal information to risk since not all patients are ready and can use electronic technologies.

An important aspect that should be carried out with a lack of attention to the vulnerable population is the constant support from medical institutions. This factor makes it necessary to improve the data provided on the online sources that were analyzed in this paper. Moreover, on the part of the state, it is necessary to provide places that would provide more opportunities for exposed people.


Therefore, this work considered national sources that considered the problem of the spread of such cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure. This issue may not have obvious external manifestations, but it can greatly affect a person’s health at an older age. All the following sources were analyzed in this academic paper: American heart Association, the national heart, lung, and blood institute, and national institute of neurological disorders and stroke. All of them provide a fairly extensive range of information that can be studied by patients and effectively used in practice. Moreover, most of the data is presented in an online format, which facilitates access to it for a vulnerable population.


Controlling high blood pressure can help reduce the risk ofhaving a stroke and developing dementia later in life. (n.d.). National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Web.

Guidelines for use of American heart association emergency cardiac care. (n.d.). American Heart Association. Web.

How to apply. (2022). National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

The facts about high blood pressure. (2017). American Heart Association. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, May 29). Sources for Patients With Increased Blood Pressure.

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