Boeing is one of the internationally recognized manufacturers of commercial airplanes, space, defense, security systems and global services. It is a multinational corporation based in Chicago, US and operates in the aviation sector (Bockel, 2018). The company was established in 1916 by William A. Boeing. It started by selling airplanes to the US Navy and later ventured into other markets and started manufacturing other products. At the end of 2021, the company employs more than 142,000 people and operates in more than 65 countries across the globe. Boeing generated more than $62 billion in revenue in 2021 (Boeing Company, 2021). Therefore, Boeing is a global leader in the manufacture of aircraft.
Situation Analysis
Stakeholder Analysis
Boeing stakeholders are customers, suppliers, employees, media, government and the general public.

Boeing Company has several objectives to achieve its vision and mission. First, Boeing aims to be a leader in the area of manufacturing aircraft. Second, the company wants to remain competitive and relevant in the aviation sector (Boeing Company, 2021). The leaders of the company believe that with an appropriate marketing strategy, they will be able to perform effectively. Third, the company also wants to stay focused on increasing its customer relationship. The company intends to seek cross-selling opportunities with existing ones to improve its performance. In addition, Boeing intends to acquire new customers by selling new products (Le Meunier-FitzHugh, 2021). The intention of the company is to increase its international support market. Finally, Boeing dedicates a lot of effort and resources to the innovation of its products.
Geographic Segmentation
Boeing should focus on the Australian market to improve its sales and dominance in the aviation market. According to market segmentation theory, an organization can target the segments that provide it with the most value (Robbins Research International, 2019). Since Australia only makes small planes, it becomes the most appropriate market for the company. The Australian government increased its spending on aviation development projects to keep up with the growing number of planes and passengers. The expansion of Australia’s aviation industry will be aided by projects such as the Western Sydney International Airport, which is scheduled for completion in 2026, and the Hobart Airport Terminal Expansion Project (Sydney’s new airport, 2021). As a result, Australia appears to be the best region to focus on to improve sales.
Target Segmentation
The target market is an integral segment in improving an organization’s sales. Boeing should concentrate on new airports in Australia for the sale of its commercial aircraft. The Australian government has increased its budget for constructing new airports across the country to meet its growing number of tourists and local travelers. Based on this, the country’s additional airports come with high demand for aircraft to enable them to perform the operations. The company should target a market that adds value based on marketing segmentation theory. Boeing is more likely to sell more commercial aircraft to meet the needs of the new airports in the country. Therefore, new Australian airports should be the target market of the company.
Referral Programs
A referral program is a promotion tactic that aims to get existing customers to recommend a brand to their friends, family, and coworkers. The program effectively utilizes the existing customers as sales personnel for a company (Camilleri, 2018). Customers satisfied with the business refer others and should also be compensated for their efforts. Referral marketing is an economical and effective strategy, as the business only pays out when a new business is generated. In addition, the strategy has the potential to build on itself indefinitely as long as the referral program remains in place (Camilleri, 2018). Referral marketing can take many forms, but at its core, it is a strategy for enlisting the help of an organization’s most loyal customers in spreading the word about their brand.
Boeing companies should offer bonuses and other compensations for any referrals. One of these customers is Qantas Airlines, the leading airline in Australia for international and local flights. Boeing can use their good relationship to achieve its marketing objective in the country. Qantas can influence the decision of the new airports to be constructed to purchase aircraft from Boeing company. This company should offer referral bonuses and discounts to referring customers as motivation. According to motivation theory, a motivated employee is more productive, and a productive employee is more profitable (Cote, 2019). As a result, loyal customers benefit from this strategy, and the company also stands to benefit.
Discount Pricing
Discount pricing is one of the marketing tactics used to promote products. It is a range of strategies where the price of a product is decreased to improve sales for the organization. According to the price theory, everyone in the market is interested in the prices of products (Weyl, 2019). A customer is influenced by the changes in the prices of products. As a result, when a discount pricing strategy is applied effectively, it can help the company gain and retain customers in the market. The success of the discounting efforts is determined by how well the organization designs its discount pricing strategy. It can be a very profitable strategy for increasing sales and membership growth if done correctly. Therefore, discount pricing is an important strategy used to improve the sales of products.
Provision of Quality Product
The quality of the product is integral to the effective performance of an organization in the market. An appropriate quality strategy helps make and sell products that people want to buy. Quality products make customers happy and keep them coming back, which lowers the risk and cost of having to replace faulty goods (Camilleri, 2018). Accreditation with a well-known quality standard can help businesses build a reputation for being good. Organizations can use one or more ways to be more efficient in the long run, improving the quality of their goods. For example, Boeing can use product quality management to ensure that products taken to the market are free from defects. Thus, providing quality products is an important marketing tactic because it improves sales.
Customer Experience
Customer experience is one of the best tactics to improve an organization’s marketing objective. One of the first things to do is to have a solid customer experience, which promotes the customer experience across all the touchpoints (Camilleri, 2018). A positive customer experience is critical for the company’s success because satisfied customers become loyal customers who help to increase revenue. While focusing solely on customer experience may appear to be extra work, it is crucial for the company. The second aspect is to ensure that products are made considering customers’ needs. This will ensure that the interest of customers is considered. As a result, customer experience effectively promotes the provision of quality products and improves customer experience.
Market Scanning
Market scanning is an integral process because it helps in the evaluation of opportunities outside the organization. The goal is to keep an eye on the outside world all the time in order to figure out what customers want, what competitors are going to do, and what technological changes could make new market opportunities or market disruptions (McAdam, Miller and McSorley, 2019). In addition, the information obtained through market scanning would be used to gauge the effectiveness of the marketing strategies adopted. For example, it would be easy to determine whether the strategies have met the customers’ needs or not. A good strategy meets the anticipated objectives like an increase in sales. Therefore, market scanning would help in understanding the performance of marketing strategies.
Performance Metrics
Performance metrics measure the success of marketing campaigns used by an organization. The first metric to be used to measure performance is lead generation. An effective promotion campaign is supposed to generate more leads. The second metric to be applied is revenue obtained by the organization (McAdam, Miller and McSorley, 2019). A good marketing strategy should be able to increase the sales of products in the market, which in turn increase its revenue. The third metric is the level of customer satisfaction. Feedback from customers would be used to determine whether they are satisfied and satisfied with the operations of the company or not. The mentioned metrics would help measure the effectiveness of marketing strategies.
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