Modern advertising has different forms and appearances, with a lot of brands launching creative PR campaigns in different kinds of media. It is hard to imagine a successful company that does not have a huge staff of PR managers who generate ideas about possible advertisement strategies. However, more and more people are tired of the profit-maximizing environment of modern advertising, encouraging companies to become active lobbyists for social justice and health. The set of advertisements attached to the paper demonstrates how brands acknowledge their integral role in bringing important agendas into their ads.
Main body
The advertisement of Citi Bank, BMW, KitKat, and Mountain Dew is a joint campaign #BrandsAgainstCovid19 to inform people about the dangers they can face today. Overall, there were hundreds of famous brands that participated in this campaign. In particular, brands changed their famous slogans by introducing a call for self-isolation during the first days of lockdown in April 2020. For example, KitKat changed its slogan “Have a break…Have a Kit Kat!” to “Have a break, have a Lockdown.”
What fascinated me is the impact that brands can bring in the daily life of billions of people worldwide. Defending the values of human rights, social justice, and scientific knowledge, brands can positively change the world by publicly opposing repressive policies, social stereotypes, and conspiracy theories. Moreover, the research in Britain showed that 75% thought positively about brands’ engagement in the promotion of information about Covid-19 through advertisement (“Coronavirus-themed ads strike a chord with consumers,” 2020). It justifies my position that people welcome the engagement of brands in the important topics of modernity.
To sum up, the campaign of brands, mainly the advertisement of Citi Bank, BMW, KitKat, and Mountain Dew, makes me think about the positive impact that brands can bring through their message in advertisements. These ads feel me optimistic about brands’ opportunities to eliminate authoritarian morality and ignorance of people. I hope that the brands will act not only in the interests of profit-maximization but for the benefit of mankind.
Coronavirus-themed ads strike a chord with consumers. (2020). DecisionMarketing. Web.