This Business Analysis and System Recommendation report is prepared to help MTC meet its organizational objectives by increasing its competitive advantage. The goal of MTC is to continuously grow the number of projects and deliver quality service to customers. To accomplish this objective, MTC regularly submits applications to Request for Proposals. To ensure customer satisfaction, the company needs to provide its clients with highly skilled IT consultants for work on-site within the 60 days of signing the contract. The streamlined and automated hiring process is essential to maintain a competitive advantage and increase the company’s reputation. MTC needs to have qualified professionals available for new projects within a short period of time. The current hiring process is entirely manual, which increases the recruitment time and leads to decreased efficacy when the number of required applicants increases. This report is prepared to address the issues pertaining to the hiring process and includes information about the motivation behind using the applicant tracking system and expected benefits. An analysis of the current recruitment process and a detailed set of requirements for the IT system are also covered.
Strategic Use of Technology
Business Strategy
The company’s business strategy revolves around increasing revenue and reputation. These two elements are dependent on the constant flow of new contracts and the availability of appropriately skilled personnel to serve these new projects. The manual hiring process MTC currently uses poses a hindrance to achieving the described business strategy. First, it sets a limit on how many new projects the company has the capacity to accomplish at the same time. Recruiting new employees is time-consuming, and when this process is done manually, time costs to begin and finish a given project are increased substantially (Bourgeois, 2014). Second, manually hiring personnel deteriorates reputation – MTC is an IT consulting company, which means it should be the first one to use innovative IT solutions. The proposed information system will enable the HR department to streamline the hiring process and avoid manual paperwork. Information will be shared consistently and on a secure basis between hiring managers and recruiters. The analytical dashboard will allow the senior managers to use the system to aid the decision-making procedures.
Contemporary analytical tools are powered by machine learning algorithms that can do a significant portion of work in an automated manner (Buzkan, 2016). For instance, by analyzing historical data on employee performance and comparing it to the description of a new project, the system may advise on the qualities and qualifications that are recommended for a given venture (Buzkan, 2016). These powerful features of modern HR information systems may help act on available data and make the most appropriate decisions.
Competitive Advantage
MTC is a small to mid-size business (SMB), which means the competition is stiff. The company does not have resources to compete with large enterprises like HP but should ensure that it has an advantage over SMB consulting firms. MTC can make its employees a competitive edge by hiring top talent from both local and international markets. Having an appropriate IT solution for the hiring process will allow the business to accept applications from remote locations, which means improved access to the job market. Reducing the hiring time will enable MTC to deliver skilled consultants to its clients more quickly, which will contribute to the reputation of the company.
Strategic Objectives
The following table provides a more detailed overview of strategic objectives and how the new hiring system will contribute to each goal:
Decision Making
To achieve organizational goals, all types of managers need to make informed and correct decisions. The following table describes how the hiring system will help with the decision-making process on each level:
Hiring Process
In order to develop an accurate requirements specification document for a future system, it is essential to identify the steps of the current process and how the system would aid these procedures. The following table provides a more detailed view of the current hiring process and how it will be affected.
Expected Improvements
The following table summarizes what improvements are expected from the future system.
Stakeholder Interests
A general picture of what should be developed must be grasped before dealing with details. Stakeholder opinions are used as the basis for more specific requirements (Ali & Lai, 2017). The stakeholder perspective is the most helpful when determining what functionality a system must support (Developing requirements, 2020). The following table provides information about the problems of the current process and how stakeholders think the system will aid in resolving those issues.
Defining Requirements
There should be a set of specific requirements for any software. When the prospective solution is to store sensitive data, security becomes of paramount importance (Bugliesi et al., 2017). There are additional implications when an application supports access from a wide variety of devices, including mobile computers (Stiakakis et al., 2016). The following table provides several requirements for the proposed solution.
Ali, N., & Lai, R. (2017). A method of software requirements specification and validation for global software development. Requirements Engineering, 22(2), 191-214.
Analyzing process improvements supported by IT [Course content]. (2020). Web.
Bourgeois, D. T. (2014). Information systems for business and beyond. Saylor Academy.
Bugliesi, M., Calzavara, S., & Focardi, R. (2017). Formal methods for web security. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 87, 110-126.
Buzkan, H. (2016). The role of human resource information system (HRIS) in organizations: A review of literature. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(1), 133-138. Web.
Developing requirements for an IT system [Course content]. (2020). Web.
Stiakakis, E., Georgiadis, C. K., & Andronoudi, A. (2016). Users’ perceptions about mobile security breaches. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 14(4), 857-882.
Tanwar, K., & Prasad, A. (2016). Exploring the relationship between employer branding and employee retention. Global Business Review, 17(3), 186S-206S.