Business Analysis of SpaceX’s Missions


The business context of focus for this discussion is SpaceX’s strengths and weaknesses. According to Pandya (2017), the United States is SpaceX’s primary customer with 23 launches. The company has launched various spaceships in its different missions, including geostationary transfer orbits, communications and weather satellites, human remains ships, and ships carrying space station supplies (Pandya, 2017). NASA, a United States aeronautics and space administration and research agency, is SpaceX’s largest customer. Although other countries like China, France, Japan, and Thailand have also made significant purchases of the company’s products, it is evident that the products are more common in the United States (Pandya, 2017). The company’s low presence in other countries is a weakness that may have resulted from various factors like limited resources and a small market that does not justify the financial investment. Therefore, the ideal business question that fits the scenario is: which factors have contributed to SpaceX’s low presence in other international markets?


The analysis utilized tabulation and visualization techniques, which involve interpreting data into visuals like graphs and maps, enabling the reviewer to identify patterns and trends. These patterns are crucial in making important business decisions. On the other hand, tabulation is a statistical analytical method that involves putting the visualized data into structural representations that mainly comprise rows and columns. Tabulation makes it easier for the reader to interpret the trends and patterns revealed from the data. This technique was suitable for analyzing SpaceX data because the patterns can potentially offer essential insights regarding the company’s business performance. Consequently, the company can use the information to make decisions that improve its overall performance. The data analysis results revealed that SpaceX dominates the United States market, with NASA being the largest customer. According to the source, the country has successfully launched 23 missions in the United States, the largest launch in any single country. Other countries that have conducted successful, although fewer missions include Japan, Luxembourg, Bermuda, China, and Thailand.

While the analysis method reveals the patterns and trends of SpaceX sales by country, they do not explain these findings. For example, the tabulations do not offer insights into why the United States remains SpaceX’s largest client. The analysis also does not reveal why other countries do not purchase SpaceX’s products as frequently as the United States. The evaluation also revealed that the Cape Canaveral AFS site had the most mission launches, followed by the Marshall Islands site. According to the results, communications satellite and space station supplies comprise the largest SpaceX mission payloads. While this trend is evident from the visualizations and tabulations, they do not explain the reasons for these observations, hence prompting the business research question.


The analysis shed light on the research question in various ways. For example, it was evident from the data that the United States is the largest SpaceX customer by country. This revelation led to the discovery that SpaceX has not established a similar presence in other countries. However, the lack of international representation could undermine the company’s market share. The research question sought to investigate the factors that may have led to SpaceX’s low international presence. The findings show that there is a need for SpaceX to expand its market share by exploring new countries. However, the company must conduct further investigations regarding the viability of these expansions. Therefore, the insights would be essential in facilitating the company’s decisions regarding expansion or integration into other markets. For example, SpaceX can use the information that NASA is the largest customer by country to investigate the reasons for NASA’s preferences. The company can utilize the insights to grow its presence in other countries by ensuring the same products they offer NASA are readily available for other clients outside the United States.


Pandya, P. (2017). Everything you need to know about SpaceX missions. Web.

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