The Impact of Effective Communications in an Organization

The role of decision-makers during a crisis cannot be ignored because they give strategic direction. They work to ensure that the crisis is managed effectively when it occurs (Okoli & Watt, 2018). For example, a crisis manager assigns roles to various stakeholders after assessing the crisis. They also determine how the crisis will be managed. Therefore, decision-makers manage a crisis by assessing the crisis, creating a plan, and acting.

Decision-makers significantly affect crisis management because they determine how it should be managed. For example, they should consider conducting intensive research on the situation to understand the crisis better. The information obtained about the crisis shows decision-makers what to do and what to avoid, based on previous occurrences (Okoli & Watt, 2018). Thus, assessing a crisis help understand the type of crisis involved and its impact.

Decision-makers should create a plan for a desired response to the crisis and include post-crisis actions. When managing a crisis, it is important to determine the end state desired (Barthe-Delanoë et al., 2018). After identifying the desired response, the managers should act on the set plan to achieve the desired outcome. The actions should be monitored and reported regularly for effective management. In addition, crisis managers are expected to provide detailed information to relevant stakeholders about the crisis (Nizamidou & Vouzas, 2018). Therefore, creating a plan assists crisis managers in making appropriate decisions.

In all stages of the crisis, decision-makers should have the resilience to manage a crisis effectively. During a crisis, they are supposed to come up with strategies for effective management. A decision-maker should design a plan and share it with various stakeholders. In addition, they should understand stakeholders’ emotions to determine the message to communicate. Decision-makers should research the situation, act, and manage post-crisis actions.

Effective communication plays an integral role in the management of a crisis. It aids in resolving doubts during crisis management. In an unpredictable and difficult time, good communication offers clarity and direction to employees, consumers, and partners (Ozanne et al., 2020). Good communication also increases an organization’s performance when managing a crisis. Therefore, efficient communication is integral for the proper management of a crisis in an organization.

First, effective communication helps to reduce the uncertainty that might exist in a crisis. During a crisis, management should grasp how their main audiences feel and demonstrate empathy for their situation. Appropriate communication enables crisis managers to dispel confusion and worry. For example, when reporting a crisis, managers should ensure that the information is straightforward for the audience to understand. Therefore, effective communication helps to eliminate any misinformation around a crisis.

Second, during a crisis, effective communication ensures that vital information reaches the right people. All staff should be on the same page to improve productivity during a crisis (Muhamad et al., 2019). Key information should be distributed consistently throughout an organization, with no details overlooked. Employees may struggle to carry out their tasks effectively if they lack complete understanding. For example, if there is a change in strategy for handling a strategy, employees should be fully informed. Thus, appropriate communication ensures that all stakeholders get the right information.

Communication is a critical element for the effective management of a crisis. Effective communication is vital because it enables crisis managers to share information with the appropriate audience during a crisis. In addition, it boosts productivity during crisis management because the people involved receive the right information. The information should be clear for the audience to understand and give their response. Therefore, with effective communication, the stakeholders’ performance is guaranteed.


Muhamad, J. W., Harrison, T. R., & Yang, F. (2019). Organizational communication: Theory and practice (D.W. Stacks, M.B. Salwen, & K.C. Eichhorn, eds.) In An integrated approach to communication theory and research (3rd ed.) (pp. 359-374). Routledge.

Ozanne, L. K., Ballantine, P. W., & Mitchell, T. (2020). Investigating the methods and effectiveness of crisis communication. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 32(4), 379-405.

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