Nike’s Favorite Integrated Marketing Communication Tools


Integrated marketing communications is a concept revolving around different forms of media implemented by a company being carefully integrated. The marketing communication tool mix implemented by the majority of business organizations includes advertising, sales promotion, events and experiences, PR and publicity, direct and interactive marketing, and personal selling (“Nike is a Knight of Marketing”). Nike is a large multinational corporation that sells shoes and other sports apparel. It is one of the major sports brands alongside Reebok and Adidas (“Nike is a Knight of Marketing”). This paper aims to evaluate what integrated marketing communication tools Nike uses to promote its products.

Nike’s Communication Tools

All multinational companies use the entirety of the marketing communication mix and associated tools to one degree or another. Nike is no different in that regard, as it leverages every advantage it can in order to compete with other companies. Its preferences include viral marketing practices through the use of social media, such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter (“Nike is a Knight of Marketing”). Nike is fond of conducting charities, sports events, and other interactive means of engaging one’s buyers (“Nike is a Knight of Marketing”). This allows the company to attain and maintain a positive reputation of being a socially-minded company.

This idea is further augmented through PR and publicity stunts. Nike’s famous Colin Kaepernick ad has become a tremendous hit and established the brand as one of the social justice-oriented companies (“Nike is a Knight of Marketing”). The company promotes fitness through other means, such as releasing applications to one’s smartphone, such as Nike+, which allows for planning and executing various fitness routines (“Nike is a Knight of Marketing”). This sort of engagement allows the company to embed itself into the routines of its customers in a noticeable manner, generating brand loyalty. Finally, Nike implements celebrity endorsements as part of their PR strategy, tapping into the fanbases of these individuals to bolster its sales (“Nike is a Knight of Marketing”). Sometimes, celebrities need not be particularly famous, but they do represent ideals that Nike strives towards.

Communication Objectives and Message Conveyed

Nike’s message has been unchanged throughout the years of its existence. It is encompassed by a short slogan, “Just do it,” which had become associated with the brand (“Nike is a Knight of Marketing”). This slogan is very ubiquitous and can be applied to many situations, such as engaging in sports, standing up for social issues, achieving personal goals, or buying shoes. The objectives of all communication pitches used by Nike involve facilitating sales, growing a loyal customer base, and attracting attention to various issues the company highlights in order to attempt to change the world for the better. The overarching message that unites different channels is that together people can build a better, fairer, and healthier future. All it takes is to start, and just do it.

Personal Assessment

As part of the target audience, I find their communication methods, messages, and pitches to be ineffective. They are attempting to sell their products under the guise of social justice, concerns for one’s health, and other feel-good topics, which I see as disingenuous. Nike, among other companies, has been accused numerous times of using child labor and sweatshops to produce their shoes at the cheapest price, only to sell them for a much higher value (Bain 2020). I do not believe there is a single large for-profit organization that is genuine about its corporate social responsibility. Because of these facts, all attempts to appear good and concerned look fake to me, rendering their message ineffective.


Nike is a multinational company that utilizes the entire spectrum of integrated marketing communication tools to promote its products. Its favorite tools rely on simulating word-of-mouth marketing to promote its products and engage with the audience. Celebrity endorsement is also widely used to tap into fanbases or pools of socially-minded individuals. Their message is not always effective, as it often portrays Nike as disingenuous.

Works Cited

Bain, Marc. “Companies Still Can’t Stop Labor Abuses at Chinese Factories.” Quartz, 2020.

“Nike is a Knight of Marketing!”. Deakin Business School, 2021.

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