Public opinion has been of particular importance for many years. It contributed to the overthrow of rulers, the change of social trends, and the formation of new phenomena. One of these phenomena was the emergence of a culture of cancellation, which has become widespread in the last few years. The newly emerged movement has enormous power, as it can dramatically shift the attitude of people toward a person or event. This applies to both the political and social spheres, which shows its widespread influence. Therefore, the cancellation culture is of value to research in providing an understanding of how it impacts the objectivity of the public policy research.
First of all, it is necessary to resolve the issue of research and methodology that will be used to collect and analyze information. This is due to the fact that the definition of these aspects allows you to significantly narrow down the data being reviewed and set correct and reasonable goals. Thus, the research question of this academic paper becomes “What impact does the cancellation culture have on the conduct of public policy research?” First, the phenomenon of cancellation culture itself will be investigated in order to gain a better understanding. Next, the methodology of scientific work will be determined, which will help in the selection of sources and the necessary information and data.
The methodology of research occupies one of the top places in the study of any phenomenon. The correct choice of the method of collecting and analyzing information directly affects the results and conclusions that are made in the work. Thus, qualitative and quantitative research methods stand out among the approaches. The former relies on data collected from people or from the interpretation of existing ones, while the latter relies on numerical indicators. Therefore, for this scientific paper, the most valuable and productive is the choice of a qualitative research method.
After determining the type of research to be conducted, this work chose a literary review as the basis for further study of information on the topic of cancellation culture. Firstly, this choice is due to the fact that it is “an effective and well-conducted review as a research method creates a firm foundation for advancing knowledge and facilitating theory development” (Snyder, 2019, p. 333). In addition, the phenomenon under study is in close relationship with people, as it is a social phenomenon, which determines the value of human opinion in its study. Moreover, it should be added that a literary review provides a very valuable advantage for research since, during its conduct, the most relevant and relevant information was analyzed and selected.
In addition, the study of scientific literature and the collection of data from it provides researchers with the opportunity to obtain evidence-based, which are scientifically confirmed. The particular importance of this aspect is that the work is deprived of the occurrence of possible false conclusions since the information used in it is reliable. Thus, this scientific work aims to study the phenomenon of cancellation culture and its impact on public policy research by using the literary review as the primary method of collecting and analyzing information.
Literary Review
Furthermore, in the course of the literary review, many different sources were studied. The search was performed on the Google Scholar online platform, which provides a large selection of scientific papers. The search was performed by keywords, for example, “cancel culture,” “impact of cancel culture,” and “cancel culture and public research.” Another criterion for each selected article and book was the relevance of the written content. Thus, sources written during the last five years were selected for the work. The necessity of this aspect is due to the fact that the social and informational nature of the phenomenon under study determines its rapid appearance and relatively rapid development and spread. Therefore, further scientific work provides a literary review of the sources that were found to answer the main research question.
The first article that was studied in the framework of this research work is the work by Norris entitled “Cancel Culture: Myth or reality?” In this source, the author aims to study the phenomenon of cultural cancellation and determine its significance for modern society. Thus, special attention is paid to the fact that the cancellation culture has become a productive tool for right-wing politicians and commentators to claim. They use it to form a convenient point of view among individuals, which can then be helpful for them.
In order to gain a more detailed and complete understanding of what the concept of cancellation culture is, the author provides its definition and the main aspects that distinguish it from other social phenomena. Moreover, the valuable component of this paper is that it emphasizes that “perceptions of this phenomenon are likely to depend upon how far individual values fit the dominant group culture” (Norris, 2021, p. 1). Thus, this fact confirms the social nature of the cancellation culture and the critical need to expand knowledge about him.
To obtain information, the author used the survey method and interpretation of the data obtained during it. This method has both positive and negative sides. Thus, surveys provide valuable information, as it comes directly from people. However, the implication of this method is that not all participants in the research work can provide truthful information and openly express their opinions. This fact must be taken into account when evaluating the given in the article Norris.
Of particular interest are the conclusions that the author comes to at the end of his academic work. Thus, the results show that in post-industrial societies with liberal social cultures are more loyal to the cancellation culture and believe that often its accusations do not have proper justification. However, the author emphasizes that the phenomenon under study is still quite significant for modern society. This is due to the fact that it is part of the process of forming mainstream values, which eventually grow into a broader social phenomenon. Hence, the article comes to the conclusion that the cancellation culture is an urgent and severe problem that requires a more severe and detailed attitude.
The following article that aroused interest in this scientific work is the work of y Ng, which is called “No grand pronouncements here…: Reflections on cancel culture and digital media participation.” It is valuable because it considers the cancellation culture in close connection with digital media participation. Thus, the author emphasizes the importance of the availability of information technologies in the life of society and how they can be used to form and spread negative phenomena. Henceforth, he considers the cancellation culture as one of the digital ills (Ng, 2020). Social networks play a unique role in this process, which becomes a tool for spreading unwanted harmful content. Moreover, scientists researching this topic emphasize that there are many digital spaces that can deepen this argument and gain a large amount of information about the impact of the cancellation culture.
The scientific article by Ng is also valuable as it considers several aspects at once that will help to show the degree of the presence of cancellation culture in the modern digital world. Thus, the author explores “online spaces beyond the major U.S. social media platforms” (Ng, 2020, p. 632). In addition, research provides data that was obtained by conducting a qualitative analysis of user practices and their specific contexts and examination of existing studies on the subject of theoretical accounts of online expression.
Moreover, the positive trend that is noted in this article is the fact that it emphasizes the awareness of society of the negative effect of the cancellation culture. Thus, the studies conducted contribute to the formation of the opinion that such a method has negative consequences and does not have proper effectiveness. To this argument, it can be added that the culture of cancellation can be considered a subjective phenomenon and is in close connection with the personal opinion of individuals. Furthermore, this method of influencing society with the help of the digital sphere is resorted to by quiet groups whose goal is privileged communities.
Thus, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that innovative technologies and the development of social networks become a facilitator for the dissemination of content related to the culture of cancellation. Modern digital development and the increased presence of individuals in this field also contribute to the rapid spread of controversial opinions regarding personalities and famous figures. In addition, the author emphasizes that further in-depth study of this topic is necessary to spread awareness about the issue.
There are several patterns that arise during the development of the cancellation culture. Romano, in the article “Why we can’t stop fighting about cancel culture,” emphasizes that it is enough for the public to say or do something inappropriate or insulting, and the power of a social phenomenon can deprive him of couriers and public attention (Romano, 2019). Thus, the emergence of a culture of cancellation has become of profound importance in how individuals behave and how they broadcast their views and opinions. On the one hand, this has a positive effect as it determines the observance of moral and social norms. On the other hand, when out-of-the-ordinary situations arise, many face the oppression of the public.
Moreover, the cancellation culture exists as a deliberate way of excluding individuals for their negative or undesirable behavior. Thus, the author notes that “calls to cancel the person” may occur (Romano, 2019, para. 3). They consist of the desire to disrupt the career or activity of specific people through boycotts or disciplinary action. Therefore, two camps of individuals have formed, where the former considers this method to be the most effective in modern society, and the latter does not support it. However, a significant advantage of this method of canceling public figures is that it provides a balancing of the power of the conflicting parties. Due to the fact that some famous personalities gain quite a strong force over time, not every method of belittling them can work as effectively as the cancellation culture. This factor is due to the weight of social platforms and networks that contribute to the rapid dissemination of information.
Further, it is not surprising that many public figures, especially politicians, are incredibly pessimistic about the phenomenon under study. Thus, the author emphasizes that in the eyes of these figures, the cancellation culture “grew into erasing of history, encouraging lawlessness, muting citizens, and violating free exchange of ideas, thoughts, and speech” (Romano, 2019, para. 4). Thus, conservative politicians treat this concept negatively and stand on the opinion that it is necessary to control social networks and implement rules and legislation to limit it. To some extent, the author also emphasizes the importance of implementing regulatory measures. This is due to the possibility that the cancellation culture of modern society may develop into a strict measure, which will have tremendous negative consequences.
An exciting aspect of the article under study is that the author compares cancel culture to call-out culture. Thus, the second concept aims to make a person face the consequences of his actions and gain awareness of how to act correctly. However, despite the similar message of both phenomena, the nature of the cancellation culture grows out of the civil rights movement (Romano, 2019). Thus, the participants of this movement aim not only to destroy the careers of public figures but to create a society in which the rights of each individual will be respected and respected. Thus, despite the similarity between cancellation culture and call-out culture, the former is a quiet method that can be considered a continuation of the second phenomenon.
Of particular importance is the study of not only what the cancellation culture is but what contribution it has to various spheres of human activity. It is this aspect that is touched upon in the work entitled “Cancel culture: The latest attack on free speech and due process” by Dershowitz. Hence, the value of this source lies in the relevance of the information provided since the aspect under study is a relatively young phenomenon. Hence, the author notes that the cancellation culture is closely related to such concepts as free speech, due process, and restrictions altogether canceling individuals. Moreover, the author emphasizes the great importance of social networks in this process and says that public opinion is strongly dependent on them.
The author of this study, Alan Dershowitz, is a well-known investigator of liberal ideas. Thus, he knows perfectly well what their rights mean to individuals and why it is so valuable to protect them. Dershowitz states that “cancel culture is a defense of due process, free speech, and even-handedness in the application of judgment” (Dershowitz, 2020, p. 5). Moreover, the author emphasizes the existing variety of ways that can be used to make a cancellation. Among them, boycotting, de-platforming, and barring from public life (Dershowitz, 2020) can be singled out. A critical aspect in the commission of these actions is the observance of objectivism to the increasing problem. However, this aspect is quite challenging to comply with since people are often canceled due to the personal hostility of users and not the adverse actions that they have committed.
In addition, the article notes that the culture of cancellation, as it exists now, has many disadvantages that can become an obstacle to its objectivity of judgments. Thus, the author argues that the primary negative side of the phenomenon is the rush to judgment (Dershowitz, 2020). This is due to the fact that in the absence of full-fledged evidence, the accusation and cancellation can be directed at a completely innocent individual. On the other hand, the strength of social networks in this process and the initial intentions of the culture of cancellation of the initiative to create positive change are noted. Moreover, this source concludes that the culture of cancellation requires legislative regulation and can be a constitutionally protected form of free speech.
Among the sources studied, a large number considered the ideological effect of the cancellation culture. One such source was the work by Velasco, “You are cancelled: Virtual collective consciousness and the emergence of cancel culture as ideological purging.” As in previous sources, the author notes the essential role of social networks and the interaction of people within them. Thus, it is noted that “social media has become a powerful force in contemporary life, paving the way for the rise of digital participatory cultures and social movements” (Velasco, 2020, p. 49). This factor determines that in the modern world, a large number of people use social networks, which in turn proves the global scale of the impact of the cancellation culture.
In addition, the author also noticed a tendency to use the culture of cancellation as a way to establish adherence to social norms in society. Thus, the researched phenomenon is reflected in the desire to target public figures who break the norms of social acceptability (Velasco, 2020). Like previous sources, this article notes that the primary purpose of this method of fighting for people’s rights is to deprive public personalities of clout or attention. The desires that can be followed by the participants of the cancellation culture can be the introduction of public discourse and the crushing of the privileged strata of society.
A small number of sources that study the culture of cancellation and its significance for society determines further research and analysis of information in this area. The same fact is noted by the author of the article since this step will help to gain a better understanding of the nature of its occurrence. Thus, the author says that the cancellation of a public identity may occur due to intolerance of opposing views. To gain a better understanding of the phenomenon and its foundations, virtual collective consciousness is involved in the work, which can help to find the essence of the cancellation culture.
Fascinating were the conclusions that were given in the research paper. Thus, the author emphasizes that one of the reasons for the small number of research papers may be the fear of being canceled. Thus, there is a tendency in the world that the more people disagree with one or another opinion, the stronger the reaction to various statements can be. The author compares the culture of cancellation with wokeism, which consists in “an ideology that views reality as socially constructed and defined by power, expression and group identity” (Velasco, 2020, p. 50). Hence, every person is in danger of becoming canceled. Regarding social networks, the cancellation culture has gained exceptional strength within the framework of this technology since it has not only become widespread but also has fewer restrictions. For people, the implementation of social networks in deciding who is to blame and who is not has contributed to getting new responsibilities that they take on themselves.
Another valuable aspect of this source is that it focuses on the opposite side of the issue, on those who have been canceled. Thus, the frequent subjectivity of accusations of non-compliance with moral and social norms can seriously harm people. This fact is compounded by the fact that the development of social networks may well lead to the absence of weighty evidence that might be needed in other cases. Moreover, the cruel culture of cancellation may gradually become a phenomenon that will affect the reduction of the importance of free speech and the right to expression. This is due to the fact that in order not to become canceled, people have to alter their words and opinions to avoid negative consequences.
Thus, a study of the literature on the topic of cultural abolition and its impact on society and its trends has provided a large amount of valuable information. This aspect concerns gaining an understanding of what the phenomenon is, what methods are used to achieve the goal, and the reasons that can become motivating factors. Moreover, the connection of the cancellation culture with the basics of free speech and how the concept under study can become an obstacle to it was analyzed. Among the tactics and approaches that are used within the framework of the cancellation culture, public shaming, de-platforming, or deprivation of attention and privileges stand out. Thus, in this section, many arguments have been given that can be used to prove that the studied social phenomenon has a significant degree of subjectivity and can seriously affect the conduct of public policy research.
The last source that is of value for consideration in this work is “Cancel culture: A qualitative analysis of the social media practice of canceling” by Haskell. This extensive scientific work explores in detail the culture of cancellation and is based on the study of the role of social networks. Moreover, the author cites a real example of the cancellation of Kevin Spacey, who was accused of abuse and sexual abuse (Haskell, 2021). Thus, the source emphasizes that the cancellation culture is a product of the modern development of technology and innovation in society. Moreover, the author provides information that there is no clear definition of what the concept under study is. Based on the Kevin Spacey cancellation process, the source formulates the main steps that describe the procedure in detail. Therefore, it contributes to a complete understanding of the phenomenon and gaining awareness of what methods can be used to mitigate and resolve it.
Furthermore, this paper will examine the contribution of the cancellation culture to the objectivity of public policy research. The topic is the impact of Cancel Culture on the objectivity of public policy research. Therefore, the phenomenon under examination has many definitions but can be defined as “collective strategies by activists using social pressures to achieve cultural ostracism of targets (someone or something) accused of offensive words or deeds” (Norris, 2021, p. 3). This view of the cancellation culture is more understandable and just explains the basis of the concept and will allow you to explore it further.
The literary review also showed that the culture of cancellation is a relatively new social phenomenon that requires detailed study. This is due to the fact that there is a reasonably limited amount of literature that could be used for this work. However, the data that have been found are valuable and can form the basis for determining conclusions about the contribution of the cancellation culture and why it is so widespread. In addition, a study of online sources showed that about 44 percent of Americans have heard about the cancellation culture, 22 of which occur with the term frequently (Fig. 1) (Smarty, 2022). One of the reasons is the balance of forces between public figures and individuals who are dissatisfied with their activities. Thus, social networks provide an opportunity to gain significant power due to attracting a large number of other users. In addition, such involvement helps some people to assume the roles of judges and prosecutors, which gives them a sense of greatness.

The controversial side of the cancellation culture issue is that it may contradict the concept of free speech and thinking. In other words, when canceling people. Who expresses their opinion, the phenomenon under study comes into conflict with the fundamental rights of individuals. Thus, it was noted by many sources that the culture of cancellation requires the introduction of legislative regulation. Hence, this step will lead to the establishment of rules that will determine the activities of removing public figures.
Based on the analyzed and interpreted information, this work determines that the cancellation culture has a relatively large subjective character. This fact can directly affect the effectiveness of public policy research. Firstly, in support of this argument, it is worth noting that social norms for each individual may differ significantly. This is due to the fact that each person has a unique social, cultural, economic, and political background. Thus, the idea of which actions and words are harmful and which are reasonable depends on these aspects. However, this circumstance does not concern the generally accepted moral values that must be respected in society. An example of the cancellation culture can be the accusations of Kevin Spacey of sexual harassment and assault, which led to its cancellation in 2017 (Haskell, 2021). On the other hand, the controversy of the accusation, even in serious acts, consists of the fact that reliable data must be provided for justified cancellation. At the same time, the danger of social networks within the framework of this issue is that they spread information exceptionally quickly, regardless of the presence of substantial evidence.
Another example of a famous personality who has undergone a public cancellation is Woody Allen. In this case, the actor was accused of sexually assaulting a young girl (France, 2021). However, the hospital investigation did not show any traces or signs of an illegal act that occurred. At the same time, this event caused a lot of confusion and discontent among the public. This was due to the fact that despite the lack of solid evidence, the girl claimed that Allen was an abuser. Hence, society sided with the girl, believing that the accused was guilty of all the acts. There are many similar examples, and in most of them, the evidence did not have as much force as public opinion.
In conclusion, this work was devoted to the study of the concept of cancellation culture and its impact on society and the conduct of public policy research. A literary review was chosen as the methodology. This is due to the fact that in the age of a large amount of information, evidence-based sources that have been verified empirically and experimentally are of particular value for research. During the review, scientific papers were highlighted that provided information not only about the culture of cancellation but also its impact on the behavior of society and what technologies and strategies it can use. Moreover, it was noted that it was necessary to further study this topic in order to gain more control over it.
Therefore, the cancellation culture presents two main problems for public policy research, a violation of objectivity and the possibility of providing false and unsubstantiated data. The first issue is due to the fact that when obtaining the necessary data, researchers may face a lack of substantiated evidence of the cancellation of a particular public personality. This is due to the fact that within the framework of this culture, great importance is given to social networks, in which public opinion has a more critical role. Moreover, the problem of false accusations is rooted in people’s different perceptions of social norms and morals, which form the basis of the cancellation culture. Thus, the conclusions that individuals draw about public figures may turn out to be purely subjective and cause personal hostility.
Reference List
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Ng, E. (2020) ‘No grand pronouncements here…: Reflections on cancel culture and digital media participation,’ Television & New Media, 21(6), pp.621-627.
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