Effective Care for Disabilities: Learning Goals & Strategies

Learning Goals and Objectives

The proper care delivery to people with various kinds of disabilities is both a challenge and one of the priorities for all medical organizations and community services across the country. During the daily rounds both nurses and doctors encounter patients that may have physical, cognitive, visual, or hearing disabilities and, thus, may require a more complex approach to their treatment. According to Havercamp & Scott (2015), there are over 19.5 million adults living with these issues and requiring a regular assistance from medical staff.

Therefore, the learning goals and objectives of this week’s research are primarily focused on exploring the challenges and the key principles of providing a required level of health care to everyone with disabilities, either mental or physical. The study referred to all the existing methods and practical strategies, used in a day-to-day nursing practice and also touches educational aspects.

Normally, medical units, such as nurses, and healthcare organizations are expected to meet the major needs of this diverse population and be sensitive to individuals belonging to that category of patients. People with an acquired brain injury (ABI) or traumatic brain injuries (TBI), for example, might need a specialized treatment course, which includes reminders, such as notes, written text, or electronic alarms to perform a certain task (Karl, McGuigan, Withiam-Leitch, Akl & Symons, 2013). Educating family members as to how to arrange care delivery in a proper way usually becomes a matter of either amelioration or deterioration in health condition. Thus, sharing knowledge with caregivers appears to be another objective to fulfil.

Week Schedule

  • Monday: Conducting an online research and gathering data regarding the current methods of treatment delivery to patients with various forms of disabilities;
  • Tuesday: Finding the efficient ways and tools to share information with family members providing a home-based care to relatives with illnesses;
  • Wednesday: Consulting with a nursing staff about a care delivery experience, preparation for a presentation to caregivers;
  • Thursday: Presentation and discussion of the efficient techniques of care arrangement, sharing the key medical concepts and experiences;
  • Friday: Making conclusions and evaluation of the results.

Placement Issue

Minor issues occurred during the discussion of the matter with the caregivers. Particular cases required a particular approach to the proper care delivery. Thus, general knowledge appeared to be insufficient for a complex problem assessment and giving the exhaustive recommendations. However, the presence of a qualified and professional nursing staff turned out to be a helpful factor in providing a solution to the problem.

Objective Description

The primary goal of this week’s assignment was to conduct research and give recommendations to caregivers as to how to arrange the home-based care of patients with various kinds of disabilities. For that objective to be fulfilled an in-depth study of the field was made, which involved reading of the scholarly resources, learning the most effective techniques and sharing nurses’ personal experience. Karl et al. (2013) highlight that frequent encounters with those patients who have disabilities can significantly improve nurses’ knowledge and assist in forming the right attitudes towards these types of diseases.

Therefore, it is of huge importance that nurses continue practicing their professional skills and treat this category of patients with all of the available attention. The establishment and maintaining an open dialogue is a key factor in this case, for people with disabilities have poorer access to healthcare compared to others (Havercamp & Scott, 2015).


Karl, R., McGuigan, D., Withiam-Leitch, M. L., Akl, E. A., & Symons, A. B. (2013). Reflective impressions of a precepted clinical experience caring for people with disabilities. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 51(4), 237-245.

Havercamp, S. M., & Scott, H. M. (2015). National health surveillance of adults with disabilities, adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and adults with no disabilities. Disability and Health Journal, 8(2), 165-172.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, November 26). Effective Care for Disabilities: Learning Goals & Strategies. https://studycorgi.com/care-for-people-with-various-disabilities-learning-plan/

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StudyCorgi. (2020) 'Effective Care for Disabilities: Learning Goals & Strategies'. 26 November.

1. StudyCorgi. "Effective Care for Disabilities: Learning Goals & Strategies." November 26, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/care-for-people-with-various-disabilities-learning-plan/.


StudyCorgi. "Effective Care for Disabilities: Learning Goals & Strategies." November 26, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/care-for-people-with-various-disabilities-learning-plan/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Effective Care for Disabilities: Learning Goals & Strategies." November 26, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/care-for-people-with-various-disabilities-learning-plan/.

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