Causes and Effect of Various Aspects on Society

Making a crucial decision in life frequently puts people under much pressure concerning the possibility of committing a mistake. When speaking of the 21st century, one of the major issues lies in a number of potential opportunities, confusing people in terms of taking control over their lives. However, the level of pressure even doubles when the crucial decision depends on the mindset of a teenager. One of the most vivid examples of such a choice is a university major, which kids are expected to make while going to high school. As a result, it is little wonder that many college students seriously consider the possibility of changing major in the middle of one’s studies. In order to properly assess the scope of significance when it comes to such life choices, it is of great importance to estimate the causes and potential effects of such a decision.

To begin with, it is necessary to dwell upon the causes that could potentially influence one’s perception of higher education. One and the most widespread cause of mindset change concerns the failure of one’s expectations. It is natural for most people to create some images in their heads they want to follow. However, unfortunately, in most cases, these images tend to disagree with the reality one faces.

When speaking of teenagers, their scopes of idealization are even bigger due to unreasonable high youthful spirits. According to the people who lived through such an experience, another important precedent is the absence of the opportunity to consider all the options (Barton). Being a teenager, one’s surroundings could be quite limited and hence, lacking diversity in terms of options. However, the college years make people face completely new aspects of life, urging them to try something they might actually enjoy without constant parental counseling. The final and, by all means, undermined cause to change one’s major is the plain desire to change it without any severe precedents to the decision. The absolute benefit of making such a decision is a relatively young age, not pressured by much responsibility.

However, each decision made in life is later followed by a series of consequences. One of the most reasonable effects of the major change is the cost of such a decision (Anderson). With arguably high education costs in the state, it is important to consider whether changing major in the middle of one’s studies is worth the financial loss followed by this shift. The potential positive outcome, however, presupposes enhancing one’s academic performance when doing something one genuinely enjoys. The pure interest in a university degree often leads to a better GPA and a student’s motivation to find internships in the field.

Finally, one of the most crucial effects in the context of one’s life is better mental health and overall attitude towards life. Today’s pace of life already makes many people miserable, especially when it comes to the constant comparison of one’s life about how others depict themselves in social media. Hence, it is of great importance to put enough effort in order to feel secure and satisfied in the 21st century’s society. Bearing this in mind, it could be concluded that despite all the potential outcomes of one’s decision, the most significant part is always the way one feels about the change.

Works Cited

Anderson, Marie. “Consequences of Changing Majors.” Classroom, 2017.

Barton, Meggie. “10 Completely Acceptable Reasons to Change Your Major.” Chegg, n.d. Web.

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