Celebrities as a Good Role Models

Celebrities ought to be good role models due to their significant impact on society and individuals. Although it is highly controversial and questionable whether the public needs to consider them as good examples of proper behavioral pattern, the fact is that some people do. Therefore, celebrities must acknowledge and realize the given aspect of their profession, where their irresponsible or unethical actions encourage the same behavior among some groups. For example, Jackson and Vares (2015) state that hyper sexuality in pop culture makes pre-teen girls develop improperly and prematurely. In other words, the audience seeks out their favorite celebrities as an attractive role model, which means that highly sexual nature of the industry causes girls to be overly sexualized. In addition, it is evident that celebrities have the most substantial degree of influence among younger generations, which makes the issue even more relevant in the long run. Thus, it might be critical to impose certain standards on celebrities in order to encourage them to acknowledge their impact on their audience. One needs to be aware that there is a concept of corporate social responsibility in companies, which is why similar concept should be applied towards celebrities. They need to promote healthy habits and lifestyles, such as balanced diets, sports, and other relevant activities. Their role in society must be fully understood both by them and the general public, where celebrities are active participants in bringing up the youth.


Jackson, S., & Vares, T. (2015). ‘Too many bad role models for us girls’: Girls, female pop celebrities and ‘sexualization.’ Sexualities, 18(4), 480-498.

Seyler, D., & Brizee, A. (2018). Read, reason, write (12th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Celebrities as a Good Role Models." August 27, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/celebrities-as-a-good-role-models/.


StudyCorgi. "Celebrities as a Good Role Models." August 27, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/celebrities-as-a-good-role-models/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Celebrities as a Good Role Models." August 27, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/celebrities-as-a-good-role-models/.

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