Challenges of Taking English Composition Course

The course has proved to be interesting but challenging since it necessitates studying and a deep understanding of the notions involved. However, the main difficulty has come from adequate time management since I have to balance my studies against volleyball workouts and mental breaks with friends. Indeed, studies and sports, as well as communication with friends, are equally important as they help to keep fit both mentally and physically. The task of reconciling them without sacrificing one or another component has proved to be the most challenging.

Not all people know that the benefits of physical education and sports for schoolchildren are not only in maintaining general health but also in realizing that physical activity directly affects academic success (Ibis and Aktug). Indeed, since I engaged in the volleyball team, I found that my reactions became quicker not only in sports but also in academic subjects. While this is an undisputable advantage, a volleyball workout turns to be rather time-consuming. I have a schedule of training that cannot be changed since I play in a team, and this schedule corresponds little to the academic demands at school. Thus, I am not always able to study a lot before the test or do urgent academic tasks, being involved in volleyball workouts. Communication with friends is an integral part of my life; friends help me to socialize and become a better person through sharing joy and sorrow, victories and failures. Every week, I try to find time to go out with my friends to interesting places we want to see, which, again, takes time from my studies.

To make it easier to combine studies and sports, as well as to find time for my friends, I have a diary where I put plans for the day, week, and month. I systematize my life by entering lessons, school work, training and personal time in my diary. Then I determine the average number of hours I will have to spend on each specific activity. Thus, I try to keep a balance between all important spheres of my life without giving prevalence to only one of them.

Work Cited

Ibis, Serkan, and Zait Burak Aktug. “Effects of Sports on the Attention Level and Academic Success in Children.” Educational Research and Reviews, vol. 13, no. 3, 2018, pp. 106-110. Web.

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