Change and Its Driving Forces in Healthcare

The significance of change cannot be possibly underrated when it comes to addressing healthcare issues. The change should be viewed as a crucial step toward consistent quality improvement. Therefore, healthcare organizations must strive toward changing so that they could meet the needs of an increasingly diverse population, as the examples of the Health and Medicine Division (2017), the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (2014), and the National Quality Forum (2017) show.

Enhancement of safety in care remains one of the primary concerns in contemporary healthcare. For instance, the National Quality Forum claims that patients’ well-being is its mission, quality improvement as one of the key tools managing patients’ needs is the primary value, and improved service is its vision. As a result, a rapid increase in the efficacy of addressing the relevant issues, such as the nosocomial infections that may occur in the patients with a central line, can be expected (National Quality Forum, 2017).

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (2014) has also been playing a significant emphasis on the change as its vision an integral process of managing the needs of patients in the context of the global economy. Particularly, the importance of introducing a collaborative approach that will encourage a closer patient-nurse connection has risen greatly, as a more active use of the Chronic Care Model based on the feedback from the target community has been viewed as the key mission (Healthcare Research and Quality, 2014). Therefore, quality improvement is also AHRQ’s key value.

One must also give credit to the Health and Medicine Division (2017) for understanding the importance of quality improvement as the driving force for change and its essential mission and vision. By addressing the importance of consistent education and training as an essential value, the organization promotes lifelong learning among nurses actively. As a result, the opportunities for meeting the needs of the members of diverse communities are created.


Health and Medicine Division. (2017). The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health.

Healthcare Research and Quality. (2014). Toolkit for implementing the chronic care model in an academic environment.

National Quality Forum. (2017). NQF-endorsed measures help save 125,000 lives and $28 billion in federal healthcare costs. Web.

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