Changes Expected in the Field of Criminal Justice


Change is a crucial element of criminal justice management due to the reality that a number of hitches are still present in the courts. For example, in January 2006, a United States judge punished a suspect on the grounds of ethnic leaning. The judge did this as he saw it essential to punish the suspect for embarrassing Martin Luther King. Lots of judges, law enforcers, and other justice administrators are biased on racial or ethnic grounds and this holds back the administration of fairness in a great way (Livinstone, 2002, p. 6).

Technology in the criminal justice system needs to move with the times if satisfactory results are desired. The strategies that are used to nail criminals as well need to keep up with the latest tactics that these crooks device. Once criminals have been brought to book, the justice system needs to utilize any resources possible to establish the reason as to why such people resorted to doing whatever they did. This is in a bid to curb vices and thwart their future occurrence(s). Reform is required in the way that criminals are handled once they have been nailed for the simple fact that in as much as they are offenders, they remain human.

The matter of judge choosing is as well essential within the criminal justice structure and has as well been contentious for some time now. A lot of stakeholders are of the idea that this calls for reform(s) so that fairness is seen to prevail. Improper selection of case arbitrators means that there are persons who sit in the panel of judges but do not meet the criteria required. As a result, a lot of suspects appearing before such unqualified professionals may receive the wrong judgment.

Changes expected

One of the foremost sectors where change is expected in a big way is the taking up of technology. Law enforcement units will have to employ more complex techniques to take into custody offenders. This is the case because as time goes by, criminals are not expected to commit offences in conformist ways (Harcout, 2001, p. 14). They, in one way or another, will device new avenues and means of committing crime and thus, the necessity of the law enforcement units to keep up.

In addition to this, new policing tactics have to be employed to beat the law-breakers at their own game. The law enforcement units will have to work hand in hand with the community as they keep an eye on criminal hotspots. This is due to the fact that the community around where certain offences take place is, in point of fact, the most dependable gamble in opposition to would-be law breakers. The people who reside in a given area know the probable threat regions and possible suspects. By way of this tactic, law enforcers will turn out to be practical as opposed to being reactive, which is the case at the moment. In areas where it has been practiced, it has yielded positive results.

In reaction to the requirement to act in response to mental grounds for carrying out offences, courts will need to deal with these factors by way of taking on reforms. They will have to carry this out by turning out to be problem resolving courts. This means there will have to be community tribunals. Such tribunals will be tasked with passing judgments geared toward reforming offenders and safeguarding the public. In addition, such mechanisms will be crafted such that they establish that the basis for committing offences is classified and that such offences will not be seen in the future. Such community tribunals will largely reform and bring about helpful results in places where they will be set up.

In close association with the above expectation, the detention departments are expected to take up improved mechanisms for dealing with law-breakers. They will be expected to adopt a number of new tactics that attempt to set up reforms through working with various classifications of offenders. Such classifications include repeat lawbreakers and high risk lawbreakers. In the past and even in current times, these are classes of lawbreakers that are taken to be untouchable and the assumption is the criminal justice mechanism can do virtually nothing to reform them for the better (Richman, 2003, p. 145). On the other hand, following the setting up of changes in punitive institutions, it will be possible to deal with such forms of criminals by way of officially authorized means. These changes comprise of an application of given tried means for dealing with such kind of lawbreakers. They will involve intricate management courses that have yielded positively in other sectors of psychology.


It has been shown that as time has moved by there have occurred changes in the way lawbreakers carry out their acts. Consequently, the institutions tasked with dealing with such offenders have got to adopt reforms to ensure that they deal effectively with the offenders. The changes discussed here are widely expected to have a positive impact in dealing with crime and the offenders.

Reference List

Harcout, B. (2001). “The false promise of broken windows policing.” Crime and Criminology journal. pp 3 – 56.

Livinstone, D. (2002). “Police and the discretion.” Crime and criminology. pp 6 – 97.

Richman, D. (2003). “Past, present and future of crime federalism.” Crime and Justice. pp 12 – 145.

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