Child Development: Simulated Field Experience


After reviewing the third and fourth chapters of the attached book, I chose the four most attractive concepts. Next, I will reveal each of them and justify my choice based on specific preferences. The main criteria by which I chose these concepts are efficiency in practice, versatility, and depth. My choice fell on the following concepts: The whole child concept, the children with diverse abilities concept, the behaviorist theory concept, and the ecological theory concept.

The Whole Child Concept

The whole child concept says that all areas of a child’s development are interconnected. Each period of growth is affected by and influences every other development area (Gordon & Browne, 2017). For example, looking at how a child moves or interacts with others, one can tell about their mood and internal state. Teachers quickly learn what makes each child unique and what they look like when they move their bodies, change expressions, or assume a posture (Gordon & Browne, 2017). That is why this concept works; it is practical and usable. The above facts about the versatility of this concept impress me. This way, I can deeply understand the child and find the problem if it is present; that is why I want to remember it.

Children with Diverse Abilities Concept

The concept of children with different abilities is that all children are other, and this depends on certain factors and conventions, such as genetic makeup, gender and race differences, and learning styles. It also includes various special needs in children due to differences in possible disabilities. I am impressed by the essence of this approach because each person is unique and requires a unique approach to oneself. Having studied this topic more deeply, I can consider more details and subtleties. With this knowledge, it will be possible to find an approach to any child, considering how much they differ. I plan to study this concept further, as it includes many conventions, the knowledge of which will be helpful in the future.

Behaviorist Theory Concept

As I understand it, the concept of behaviorism is directly based on the idea of a child’s behavior. It lies in that learning, for the most part, is acquiring a habit. For example, if the parents of a child smoke, then with a high probability, in the future, the child will also smoke, repeating their parents’ behavior. Any behavior can be learned by watching it, from language listening to others talk to fighting and watching violence on television (Gordon & Browne, 2017). The most impressive fact about this concept is that I can indirectly influence the child if the child does not make contact. Using this concept, I will be able to influence the child’s parents since the child’s behavior model directly depends on the parent.

Ecological Theory Concept

The ecological theory concept is that many different spheres influence a child’s development. Its structure consists of a microsystem, a mesosystem, an exosystem, a macro system, and a chronosystem. The main advantage of this theory is that it covers all spheres of influence on the child’s development. The forces among these systems are critical to acknowledge: just as in nature, activity in one part affects all the other parts (Gordon & Browne, 2017). I believe that this concept describes what and how it affects the child in the most detail; it expands my thinking about the possible affecting causes. This theory is complex, and I will do a deep study for subsequent application. This concept is most applicable when I will be trying to determine which sphere of influence is most important at a particular stage of a child’s development.


Summing up, I can say that the chosen concepts are responsible for different approaches to study and practical application in practice. Furthermore, at the same time, intersections can be noticeable in them. The whole child concept, the children with diverse abilities concept, the behaviorist theory concept, and the ecological theory concept, when considered, have shown themselves to be fascinating and valuable methods. With these theories and practices of education, it is possible to become a real specialist in working with children.


Gordon, A. M., & Browne, K. W. (2017). Beginnings & beyond: Foundations in early childhood education (10th ed., pp. 70-147). Cengage.

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