Child Psychology: Playing with Cash Register Toy

At approximately the age of 3, children begin to demonstrate their individuality and independence, especially vividly for the first time. They are constantly drawing, assembling, and constructing something, which allows parents to identify their favorite activities. Thus, it is possible to use their preferred toys to develop their abilities. Consequently, it is essential to establish how the toy box office aids in the development of the kid.

Games for children of this age group should focus on the development of memory, and the ability to compare and contrast different objects. Games that develop children’s imagination and creative thinking are also useful, so a toy cash register for playing in the “store” (Amazon, n.d). In addition, the toy cash register assists in the promotion of the first counting skills, particularly counting and deducting. The kid will be exposed to paper money and coins and understand their purpose (Amazon, n.d). At the same time, I observed a situation where a child who played with a toy cash register at the age of 4 years old could count their toys and understand when some of them were removed by their parents. This indicates that the child had mastered the basics of mathematics before school, which will help in further learning.

Piaget’s cognitive theory of evolution explains the importance of children’s development of this toy. This theory is based on a four-stage model describing how the brain processes new information. Thus, in the pre-operational stage, 2-7 years old kids exhibit abilities in specific skills (Alahmad, 2020). Therefore, if one buys a toy cash register for children who like to count their toys, one can significantly improve the child’s mathematical abilities. Thus, a toy cash register can lay the foundation for children’s math abilities. In the form of play, they can not only learn the elementary rules of mathematics but also learn social talents, such as understanding the meaning of money.


Alahmad, M. (2020). Strengths and weaknesses of cognitive theory. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal, 3(3), 1584-1593.

Amazon (n.d). FS pretend play calculator cash register toy

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