Climate Disruption: Attracting People’s Attention

In recent years, the Earth’s climate has changed markedly, with some countries suffering from abnormal heat waves and others from winters that are too harsh and snowy for their liking. Many environmentalists argue about global climate change, including increases in average annual temperatures, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and more. The problem is still relevant today, so getting everyone’s attention is essential for combating it.

Humans have a lot of responsibility for climate change, so it is necessary to provide compelling aspects to draw people’s attention to this issue. In my opinion, scientific studies and comments from competent authorities will be helpful in this. As an example, after the first survey conducted by the World Health Organization (2019), it appeared that more than half of the countries surveyed had prepared a national climate change and health strategy or plan. Countries’ concern and interest in finding new ways to address the problem confirms its magnitude and importance.

Furthermore, crucial to the awareness of the problem is to give examples of consequences that will affect not only the planet and nature in general but specifically humans. Heatstroke, deaths due to extreme weather events, injuries, epidemics, starvation, lack of potable water, and lack of habitable areas are only some of the outcomes of climate change on individual health and life. When people realize that the problem is specific to them and that it is not somewhere far away but close by, they begin to take it more responsibly and seriously.

The historical background is also essential to draw attention to the issue. The world is already experiencing the consequences of rapid climate disruption: rising sea levels, melting glaciers in the Arctic, declining biodiversity, falling crop yields, increased abnormal heat waves, and heavy rains. Knowing that this problem has already somehow affected and is now affecting the world makes it clear that the issue does exist and doesn’t stop growing.

Climate change is already affecting the world that surrounds everyone. This impact will only increase in the coming years, so each person should understand their responsibility, not only to themselves but also to nature as a whole, because all of humanity depends on it. A conscious attitude will help reduce the scale of the problem, slow its pace, and find new ways to solve it.


World Health Organization. (2019). WHO health and climate change survey report: Tracking global progress. 

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