Cloud Computing and Data Security Solution

Cloud computing is crucial in our new connected society and it is particularly relevant today since it offers many opportunities to enterprises (School, Hospital, Institutions). At the same time, cloud computing also has certain issues, and one of the primary ones is data security and integrity. The issue of data security is a challenge for IT, because it calls for integrity and protection of data, including personal and industrial data.

Many solutions for dealing with the outlined issues exist – they can make cloud computing safer and protect data. The first potential strategy relies on layered security, which implies that several security measures are taken to protect the most vulnerable parts of any system (Tariq et al., 2022). Next, data encryption and homomorphic encryption, in particular, is a way to use data without decrypting it. As a result, the information stored and shared by individuals is less susceptible to privacy breaches. The third option is data splitting – the process of dividing data into several parts and distributing them into different storing locations (Kumara et al., 2018). While it is commonly used in machine learning, data splitting can be helpful in data protection in the cloud because it results in smaller pieces of data being stored in many places.

Data has to be protected in case of a breach as well, and its loss is another significant problem. Here, backup services and data integrity protection become potential solutions – they guarantee that data can always be accessed by its owners regardless of whether it was compromised. To ensure that only authorized users get access to data, one can implement precomputed tokens (Sibai et al., 2020). These devices can be digital and physical and are responsible for user authentication. However, the whole system can be protected in a top-down way using privacy architecture (Tariq et al., 2022). This solution incorporates protection methods for data sharing, data collection, and data categorization. Finally, another interesting approach to data security and cloud computing is the use of a virtual machine. It is a type of software that emulates the functions of a computer, allowing one to work in a fully-functional environment while not sharing its physical security risks.

In the next work, solutions will be discussed and explained. Even though cloud computing presents multiple advantages, it also shows some flaws in data security and protection personal information in many forms.


Kumara, R., Rajb, H., &, Jelciana, P. (2018). Exploring data security issues and solutions in cloud computing. Procedia Computer Science, 125, 691–697.

Sibai, R., Gemayel, N., Abdo, J., & Demerjian, J. (2020). A survey on access control mechanisms for cloud computing. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 31(2), 1–13.

Tariq, M., Balas, V., &, Tayyaba, S. (2022). Security and privacy trends in cloud computing and big data. CRC Press.

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