Cloud Server Integration: Enhancing Efficiency with Amazon Web Services

Project Description

Cloud Server

Statement of Need

Don & Associates is looking to expand into the northeastern United States to begin providing its finance and consulting services there. However, this requires some investment and development of local infrastructure and a data migration budget. There are three types of clouds: public, private, and hybrid. Each type requires a different level of customer control and also provides different levels of security (Gai et al., 2020). In this regard, it seems the right decision to use cloud technologies for data storage in the company’s activities.

Cloud Service Providers

Today, the cloud services market comprises many companies and is formed as new service providers do not appear in this area. There are three main models of cloud computing. Each represents a separate level of computing resource provision. Similar models are infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) (Saraswat & Tripathi, 2020). Competition between companies is high, providing them with uniform development and improved capabilities.

Amazon Web Services

One of the top three cloud service providers is Amazon Web Services, which has the largest market share (Dutta, Pranay, & Dutta, Prashant, 2019). This service offers many options and settings for its programs that can be adjusted for any company. One of the advantages of this option is that the company is partnering with many digital giants to achieve better results.

Cloud services represent one of the key delivery types of Amazon Web Services. This company has the means necessary for implementing electronic commerce and data warehouses. In addition, there is an opportunity and tools for creating custom features. This product is available in almost all regions, so you don’t have to worry about the distance.

Microsoft Azure

Another less common service for cloud operations is Microsoft Azure. The main advantage of this cloud services infrastructure is its compatibility. Services are well-optimized for Windows and Linux, which is unusual since most developers do not pay enough attention to this. In addition, many functions are offered in the ready-to-run service. This is convenient because there is no need to spend extra time on setup. The disadvantage of this choice is its high price compared to competitors.

Google Cloud Platform

The third best cloud service option would be Google Cloud Platform. This product, like the previous one, has high levels of compatibility with Windows systems. The service has a simple and clear interface that is easy to use. The global networking selection allows users to select whatever tools they need.

The big difference is that the programs have practically no command lines. They have all been replaced with user interface elements that have been worked out in detail. The service has a weak side in that it is well-optimized only for working with other Google services. The disadvantage of the service is also that it is more expensive than Amazon.

Recommended Plan

To expand the company to the northeast to other regions of the country, it is recommended to use Amazon Web Services cloud services. They are the cheapest option and are more profitable in the long term. The company will be able to save a significant part of the budget by cooperating with Amazon. In addition, this choice is justified by the fact that the company’s services are the most common and, accordingly, their customer support is better. In addition, Amazon provides many useful tools for the job.

Impact of Recommended Plan

The recommended plan is aligned with the requirements of the stakeholders so that it will facilitate the conduct of consulting operations. Amazon cloud services have many business and e-commerce tools to improve your storage options. Potential risks for migration will be the outflow of old customers. In this case, this may lead to unexpected increases in the advertising budget. Potential risks of transferring the company’s infrastructure to the cloud may be service failures or Internet unavailability. Emergencies in such cases can significantly impede work.


Dutta, Pranay, & Dutta, Prashant. (2019). Comparative study of cloud services offered by Amazon, Microsoft & Google. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 3(3), 981-985. Web.

Gai, K., Guo, J., Zhu, L., & Yu, S. (2020). Blockchain meets cloud computing: A survey. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 22(3), 2009-2030. Web.

Saraswat, M., & Tripathi, R. C. (2020). Cloud computing: Analysis of top 5 CSPs in SaaS, PaaS and IaaS platforms. In 2020 9th International Conference System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends (SMART) (pp. 300-305). IEEE. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Cloud Server Integration: Enhancing Efficiency with Amazon Web Services." February 11, 2025.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "Cloud Server Integration: Enhancing Efficiency with Amazon Web Services." February 11, 2025.

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