Coding Compliance in Health Information Science

Coding compliance is essential in providing high-quality services and ensuring correlation with an organization’s laws. Specialists dealing with coding compliance must understand the standards and procedures established within the agency. In addition, these specialists must know the laws of their state and obey them to avoid issues with documentation and other aspects of the given work. It is essential to examine how to act correctly and ensure the coding goes in the right direction.

Coding compliance specialists are obliged to know the basics of recording and documentation, as all processes depend on accurate data. Nowadays, many organizations shift to an electronic format; however, there is a debate whether the electronically miscoded data should be recorded manually (Feng et al., 2019). To some extent, the human might be more attentive to notice minor details, and it can help avoid legal proceedings in the future. Moreover, most employers consider candidacies of people with significant experience in coding, record keeping, monitoring, and knowledge of regulations inappropriate scopes. Employees should pass training and examinations even after years of studying coding to maintain adequate compliance with standards. Most companies have a sustained set of rules and guidelines accepted in particular organizations; it helps avoid mistakes and ensure the coding is correct. Providing research and examination is crucial in ensuring compliance with the agency’s standards.

Overall, the proper coding compliance depends on the experience and professionalism of specialists and their ability to act in accordance with the organization’s rules. It is also seen that sometimes manual recoding can help avoid documentation mistakes and is thus recommended to some organizations. For a specialist to comply with the state’s laws, ongoing training and examination are valuable ways to avoid legal action against the company.


Feng, Y., Lin, S., Lin, E. J., Farley, L., Huang, Y., & Liu, C. (2019). Identifying candidates for medical coding audits: Demonstration of a data driven approach to improve medicare severity diagnosis-related group coding compliance. Health Information Science, 1(1), 47–57. Web.

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