Communication Accommodation Theory

Based on convergence, divergence, and maintenance, the theory explains how, when and why people adjust their way of communication, knowingly or unknowingly, to include or exclude others in a conversation. This enables the speaker to know their audience well and communicate appropriately. In a way, they can understand despite differences in forms of communication either due to cultural differences, such as refugees, or there is a need for communication. How learned one is an example of a teacher and students or difference in age or social status.

These adjustments produce positive or negative results depending on the recipient, with convergence having mostly positive during divergence and negative ones. However, there are certain exceptions, for example, negative convergence outcome is seen when younger people talk to the older. Exaggerated tone and repetitive explanations might demean and alienate them even though the speaker has good motives. Divergence might produce a positive outcome when in a hospital setting between health professionals using forms of speech to discuss the patient’s situation and therefore protecting the patient from losing hope to live.

The bases for this theory differ depending on how the speaker adjusts their speech pattern. Accommodation involves changing communication to include others. For instance, members of an organization meeting with others from a completely different organization would avoid using jargon to understand each other. In convergence, the speakers use simple speech patterns that the listener comprehends easily, such as an adult using simple language while speaking to a child. In contrast, in divergence, the speaker uses complex body language and vocabulary to separate others seen between health professionals and the patients. On the other hand, maintenance defines a person who does not adjust their way of communicating; for example, a speaker asks a question in English to an audience, for instance, a French-speaking audience that can speak English, and the audience does not respond in English.

In an interview, they should communicate formally and avoid complex vocabularies that the panel might find hard to understand, but they can use vocabulary words specific to that particular corporation. Their choice of words should be respectful, and their explanations should be precise and straight to the point. The tone of voice should not show desperation or sound arrogant by being loud, and the intonation should be as per to avoid giving out the wrong message.


Elhami, A. (2020). Communication accommodation theory: A brief review of the literature. Journal of Advances in Education and Philosophy, 4(05), 192-200.

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